Friday, March 27, 2009

Bitter gourd, green, yellow and red!

They are green and exotic looking while young, but the moment ripening take place, they turn yellowish. Then the outer flesh become soft and they are melting...... The other day we plucked 3 gourds and consumed two... Over time, the third was more or less forgotten. It ripened in the basket..... green turned yellow and then blood red!!

still hanging

three gourds
taken in, two ended on dining table,
the third forgotten, and remained in the basket

turned yellow


blood red
coating of seeds

blood red


  1. Sometimes I like bitter gourds if the cooking agrees with me. Like making them into 'kerabu'. Yummy!

  2. asslamulaikum...

    Nak cakap B.I tak ckp B.m..

    Sy nak kongsi pendapatlaa... sy pun bercuccuk tanam di Prisint 14 putrajaya.. Maj.Putrajaya ada kacau ker... atau nak berkebun ada kelulusan dari mereka.

    Dan saya nak pendapat tentang penanaman sayuran.. sy kurang arif laa. TQ

  3. Whats your bitter gourd taste like..I mean yes its bitter,but some taste less bitter. Bitter or not bitter I always like peria ..

  4. Det_pri,

    Untuk cucuk tanam... kalau ada rumah teres, semi_D atau bungalow... boleh agaknya dalam kawasan masing2... Kalau apartment, itu susah nak cakap, dalam pasu sajala . Org presint 9 ada Community garden!!.. Untuk ajar cucuk tanam, saya pun mencuba-cuba saja, pandai tidak!

  5. FJL.... our bitter gourd is quite mild on bitterness scale... lovely and yummy!

  6. Thanks meg.... hope your enjoy it... please drop in again for more.
