Saturday, April 18, 2009

The grass was carpeted yellow

Remember the post on "yellow flowers and the bee"?.... Belum Rainforest Resort is beautiful not only about flowers on the tree but the carpeted grass too.... As I was standing aiming my lense, the flowers were dropping every few seconds. Just look at the grass. ... painted yellow!!.... lovely sight..

yellow flowers
all over the place

the grass
and the tree trunk

buttress root
jutting out from the ground

look at the buttress root,
gripping hard
onto the ground

the top

the top

Now I am thinking whether we are experiencing a modified version of "SPRING" in this equatorial tropical land of ours!!... I am off for yet another weekend retreat in Pahang (just Kakdah and Bangchik).... but daily posts will be as ususal... post dated post!.... I am sure there will be interesting photos to be brought home from this trip ........ cheers!!!!


  1. Love the dead leaves - they look like butterflies congegating on the flowers.

  2. Golden rain. Pretty indeed. I like when the camellias drop their petals, and the ground is covered in a pink/red carpet

  3. You have lovely photos to share, I hope the little flood did not do too much damage.I have to admit I am very ignorant about your side of the world, where are you in relation to any major city?

  4. Thanks for the larger photos. A sight well worth seeing.

  5. I am looking forward to your new photos! Janet

  6. > Sue Swift .... Yes they are congregating as a final gesture before worms will take them away to the final destiny!

    >David and Laura .... Thanks,

    >Dirt Princess ... You choose the most appropriate phrase, GOLDEN RAIN,.. and you may post photos of Pinky Red Rain when camellias drop their petals..

    > Peggy... Floods come and go.. its Malaysia here, capital city being Kuala Lumpur, Singapore to the south and Bangkok at far north. Here, its hot, wet and humid.

    > WiseAcre, islandgardener (janet), Kim and Victoria .... Thanks for stopping by, and there will be more photos.
