Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kakdah's hanging garden

We used to have orchid's house in Pahang years ago. The place was interesting because it was cool with a little hill nearby setting the green tone ..... The name of the hill is Bukit Ridan. But now in Putrajaya, it is not as cool. Putting up a hanging garden is an attempt to add diversity within the plot.... where plants are very much at eye level, with no need for bending and reaching ...

The other day Kakdah practically by herself put up a nice little structure to hang her plants ..... She even varnished the bamboo to heighten the feeling ...... She hanged the small collection of potted plants high in the air ... At least the snails will find it difficult to get near..... Here we are...

varnished to rekindle its life and shine

on a piece of bamboo

her favorite fern

money plant

(kucai is chives)

(kucai is chives)

money plant

We planted 5 of these on the ground last year
and Kakdah, depending on
her menu of the day will nib a stalk
from time to time.
One of the plants flowered and after a while,
there were numerous little baby parsley around it ....
So we shifted some into pots..

This is our first attempt to grow parsley in the air.


  1. am thinking of planting something on the pot and on air too..the soil looks fertile.I like the ferns.

  2. Hi FJL...

    Will wait for the outcome of your dream to put plant in pots and on air... haha ... I just had coffee, not tenom but "hang tuah" brand ... no other coffee match tenom's ... cheers! ~ bangchik

  3. Very nick bamboo, perfect color.

  4. Varnishing has made the bamboo look very attractive and I particularly like the ferns. I see you have trouble with snails eating your plants too!

  5. You've given me a great idea here because a neighbor just gave me several very long sturdy pieces of bamboo that I have to figure out how to use. Maybe I could even put them in between the branches of trees and hang plants from them! Nice to meet you and your blog!

  6. Hi,
    Thank you for stoping by my blog - it is so intressting to have visiters from alla over the world.
    Years ago I went to Malaysia - so diffrent from Sweden.

    Hanggraden are on the way for you.

  7. vuejardin,
    Thanks, I thought the color is a bit too heavy...

    Thanks. yes, snails crawl around at night and nib small plants .... We have replaced something like 8 marigolds already, and beginning to feel very sore about it ... arggh.

    Thanks. Good if this post gives you idea... We are here to share in Blotanical ... you can put them in between branches and put photos in your blog... Good Luck!

    cheers, see you in Blotanical! ...

    ~ bangchik

  8. hi Maria Berg,.... thanks, see you in Blotanical ... cheers!

  9. Hi! I put a link to this post on my blog today! Of course the bamboo is still sitting there in my yard, but I'll do something with it soon, I hope.

  10. Thanks JGH... good luck to the bamboo...
