Sunday, April 26, 2009

leaves are beautiful too

When we freeze moments, we are able to look back, scrutinize and appreciate the hidden beauty. Leaves are as beautiful as the flowers....... Just look the shines and the lines.

potted plant
Kakdah has two pots of this,
they are growing well, very healthy.
Dont ask me the name of the plant, because I dont know....

potted plant

14 months old plant


banana leaves
14 months old plant

banana leaf: close up.

tumeric plant
we planted 8 of these at the edge of sweetcorns..

how the leaves love bathing under the hot sun!


  1. We just planted our second block of Sweet Corn for our farmstand; the first block was killed by bad weather. Hopefully this time it will grow!

  2. Leaves are very pretty, that's for sure.

  3. I agree about the beauty of leaves. I don't have any turmeric but have Curcuma elata, which is just about to flower. When does your turmeric flower?

  4. >Laura.... how big is your block?... I am sure the second attempt will be fruitful... Ours just 6 sweetcorns, enough for the household and the space...

    >K & V and Cathy.... Of course leaves are beautiful... but which one is the true thumbprint of plants; Flowers or Leaves?

    >Prospero..... I seldom see tumeric flowering, even if it flowers, it will go unnoticed, because the flowers are short far below the leaves.... It normally flowers when the plant is suffering from serious drought and about to die, leaving behind tumeric tuber underneath to continue fighting on....

    bLOTANICAL: supporting regional diversity and engaging gardening creativity.

    ~ Bangchik
