Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Finding equilibrium

Nature is very dynamic. The waves have been throwing themselves on this sandy beach over million of years. I worked in Kota Bharu, Kelantan for 2 1/2 years, many many years ago. The recent trip to Kelantan was punctuated by a short breather at Pantai Cinta Berahi (PCB). The shoreline used to be 200 metres into the sea..., but now reduced to the present line due to erosion...

The municipality decided to strengthen the beach with boulders. No more erosion now, but the former natural beauty was forever lost.

the boulders
some hills has to be blown up
to quarry boulders and strengthen the beach.

the beach
and two kids enjoying themselves

the waves

the waves
playing up the tune of nature
searching for equilibrium

We dont normally win the game with nature, in searching for equilibrium.


  1. oh i have been missing the beach so much lately. thanks for letting me visit with your photos.

  2. Only the Assateague Bay separates me from the Atlantic to be near water! It's what grounds me..

  3. So true! We have lots of beach erosion here on the coast of Massachusetts, USA. Especially on Cape Cod. They've used bolders too to try to save some areas, but it's almost impossible to fight it.

  4. I have not been to Kelantan before. Nice to see photos of the state and this beautiful beach. Have a great day!

  5. We certainly don't win the game with nature. Still, it's a beautiful beach.

  6. It's very beautiful there even now. Interesting to think about some one part of nature had to be destroyed (to create the rocks) to protect another.

  7. Your land is so beautiful. I love the beach pictures. You let me travel without leaving my chair. It's always a conundrum--whether to let nature build and rebuild, or to protect what you love. I think the fact that there is so many of us makes us a part of nature and therefore what we do can be sometimes considered natural.

  8. > Friends , bloggers and blotanists.

    East coast of Malaysia offer better beaches, but the waves are so strong sometimes that swimming is not advisable...

    Look after nature!!

    cheers! ~ bangchik
