Saturday, May 2, 2009

The hairs of sweetcorns

It is a lovely thing to see, the hairs of sweetcorns... They are coming out now, soft and feathery...

the hairs

the leaves

the flowers

the buldge

the buldge

against the sky


  1. Love the photo of the sweetcorn against the sky! It's also fun to see it with the urban area in the background.

  2. You'll have a great feast of sweet corn!

  3. Your corn seems to be doing nicely. Mine was just planted.

  4. What beautiful corn! We're planning to grow some in our school garden for the first time this year. Hope it does as well as yours!

  5. we are getting our corn in too! thanks for the photos and naming all the parts.

  6. Wow, your corn grows so fast!

  7. Yummy corn! My favourite ;-) The little corn look so good. Good job!

  8. Very nice blog. Your plants are very nice and they grow so fast. Did you know that each of the little hairs becomes a kernel of corn? If pollinated, of course. Corn is an amazing plant. And the the very sweet corns are so yummy. It is just approaching time to plant here in Oh, USA--some farmers have planted already.

  9. Today is the day (around May 1) we plant sweet corn here in Virginia, USA. It so interesting to see the different seasons and planting times around the world. Your garden is looking good!

  10. >Laura, Kim and Victoria, Prospero,
    >JGH, Josie, vuejardin,
    >Stephanie, mlc, Jeanne ....

    Thanks for stopping and commenting here.. In a way corns are fast growers as vuejardin pointed out... The plants let out new aerial roots to support the heavier upper parts.

    So some of you who just started planting, I wish you goodluck and come back for updates to inspire you further... haha. But ours here are really small scale.., just 6 sweet corn plants.


    ~ bANGCHIK

  11. yum - it looks great but makes me hungry to see it!!!!!!

  12. > Catmint...
    another very late reply.... sorry. By now, the corns are all gone. They were sweet and tasty!!
