Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Maria, all the way from Sweden!!

I find it difficult to attempt at answering questions in Blotanical Blogs, simply because of my limited knowledge on flowers, veggies and fruits.

It was all about buah delima (Malaysia) or Granatapple (Swedish) or pomegranate. I fail at trying not get involved with quizzes in Blogworld when I answered Maria Berg. Then a week later, a little envelop find its way across the oceans and continents.

Shall I say..., Maria thank you very much..., things seem to live up to the motto that Blotanical support Regional Diversity and engage Gardening Creativity. And most of all, it rekindle friendship in a big way ....

Now I am thinking what to do next, to reciprocate the friendship waves thats coming........

Back to the gift from Sweden, Kakdah is hinting to put the necklace around her first grandchild, a three year old little girl by the name Adlina. Kakdah will definitely tell Adlina that it is from auntie Maria Berg from Sweden!......

for the moment
the gift will stay in the box, until we make our way to Kedah,
or Adlina come over to Putrajaya
with her Mom, Dad and little brother.


  1. I am happy you got it! And hope she will like it,
    Maria Berg

  2. > Maria..

    She said it was cute and like it very much. She wish to let it travel further to Kedah, for her eldest grandchild, Adlina. The little gift really connect continents, people, and generations!!!

    She said "Thank you very much!"

    ~ bangchik
