Saturday, May 23, 2009

Whats next after tomatoes?

After tomatoes, the bed was left alone recuperating. The soil was loosened up to about 8 inches deep. I mixed a little bit of lime and poultry manure into it and watered the bed every evening. There are 6 marigolds about 6 inches height left to grow within the plot. I just transfered 4 into the bed and with the poison baits placed around them, they are very safe to continue growing, I will continue with another two soon. At the front part of the house, there are 15 marigold seedlings about 2 inches high, and they will be transplanted soon too. The intention is to place them closely packed at the front end of the bed.

At the same time, other veggies are germinated; choi sum, spinach, pak choy and roselle between 1 to 2 weeks old.

With Yeop's help I took these photos right in the living room at night without flash. The soy drink can, place the seedlings in relative size... The intention is to grow them in both the bed and in clay pots.

showing 3 out 7 little pots

choi sum

all will be transplanted direct in the soil

pak choy
the youngest


  1. I'm so proud of anyone who starts from seed.
    Way to go and looking good !

  2. Your Pak Choys look cute :-) Have great weekend!

  3. >Patsi....
    Most nurseries here dont sell veggie seedlings, therefore we really have to germinate them from seeds.. sweet experience seeing them growing, little shoot, two leaves, four leaves and so on... The hardest part is to thin them out.... Hmmm.

    ~ bangchik

  4. > Stephanie...

    Pak choys look cute?.. haha.. We are going to transfer all of them into veggie bed tomorrow... and the next germination for pots. Just to keep us occupied!!... have a nice weekend to you too.

    ~ bangchik

  5. what fun to see what is growing on the other side of the plantet. here in the pacific northwest (seattle area) summer is finally starting. wisteria, peonies and lavender. hurray. love your pics of prime ministers place. what a beautiful country. ~ Melinda

  6. The new plants look great! Hope the tomatoes were enjoyable

  7. > Mindy/melinda
    Thanks for dropping by.... Good that summer is coming to your place now.., surely lot of blooms coming as well... Ours is always summer, either very hot summer or not so hot summer!!..
    ~ bangchik

  8. > prue

    Thanks... tomatoes were fun to grow.. not much of a problem except for wilting giving a plant real problem... reasonably good harvest.
