Monday, June 15, 2009

King's salad, ulam raja.

I have 9 of this plant at our plot, the so called Ulam Raja [Salad fit for a King.] . They have to wait a while longer before they start blooming. But Kaklong's ulam raja are now producing nice little blooms. They may not be beautiful, but so soothing to watch.

When ulam raja blooms, we should just take the first dry flower, and spread the seeds for germination because soon the plant will die.


  1. It's a pretty flower. Is the plant edible?

  2. I looked at the other post about this herb- it also has some nice looking leaves!

  3. > Jo
    > Laura

    Flower is small, about thumb size.... and the leaves are very much edible... eaten raw as salad... by the way salad is said ulam here, in Malaysia.

    Agreably, the leaves are nice looking, almost like ferns...

    ~ bangchik

  4. The blooms may be small, but they're very pretty! I think some of the prettiest blossoms are very small.
