Friday, June 12, 2009

Papaya ripening.

The papaya plant is growing very tall with lot of fruits. To date, we have plucked 3 fruits. I thought the skin of few fruits is getting a little bit yellowish, a sure sign of an interesting harvest soon.... The earlier three were taken, further ripened indoor and eaten fresh... Lovely taste!!

When the plant is at this size, I dont find it easy to fertilize. The roots must have travelled far and I cant determine the spot to put fertilzer on to match the position of the root ends. Furthermore the leaves are too high now making it tough for me to spray the liquid organic fertilizer.... Since the beginning of the year, I just stop fertilizing. At most, I assembled dry leaves and grass cuttings at the base as mulch....

For all I know, the roots could be sharing nutrients with veggies and other smaller plants nearby... such a community!!

There is one
awkward looking fruit.

Yea, it does remind us of something...

it will soon go double storey!


  1. You know, I have only ever seen papayas in the grocery store! So beautiful to see them on the tree! Janet

  2. I know my daughter talks about Papayas growing on her boyfriends land in The Gambia and she has given me seeds to grow. They germinated last year but I lost them in a frost free greenhouse in the winter.

  3. Wow! That is one cool looking plant! And fresh papayas too! Nice.

  4. to be good !
    No fruit here in our garden...well, tomatoes come August.

  5. What an interesting plant. I've only seen them in stores..but I think they are very tasty. We have strawberries now, and blueberries and sour cherries are coming.

  6. Impressive! Enjoy the yummy harvest! I imagine no fertilizer is needed at this point!

  7. No fertiliser... so good and so many of them! btw, tq for the nursery information ;-)

  8. I live to eat papaya - but it is not grown in his caountry så ai Want to go abroud again. When I was in India I wnet out on a feild full with papaya and could pick as many as I wanted.

    The "pony tails" I think that is one of teh English name.
    I Have had one indorrs here at my house.

    The yellow feils is Buttercup flowers.


  9. What an interesting post. It's fascinating to learn about the different fruit and vegetables that are grown in other countries. Beautiful photographs too.Clare

  10. I would pick a green one NOW and shred it for papaya salad...yummm! Wished it could grow here in NJ!

  11. Great post. It's really interesting to see what other people around the world are growing.

  12. > Friends, Bloggers, Blotanists and Gardeners.

    It is normal to pluck ripe fruits. Sometime we take green ones, then boil the thin slices and consumed as salad... not bad.

    Yes, I stop fertilizing the plant some months ago. The end roots must have travelled far and able to find nutrient by themselves.

    Some envy papaya in my garden, as much as I envy some for being able to grow strawberries... haha..

    ~ bangchik

  13. I have to admit, I have never tried fresh papaya. I think the only time has been if it is dried and in trail mix.

  14. I used to live in Hawaii. Reading your post reminds me of the place and makes me miss it much (and its sweet papaya even more haha) - Sandy of GardeningOnCloud9

  15. > Laura..

    Soon I will post photos on fresh papaya ready to be eaten. Then you may want to pay a visit to local store and take one fresh ripe papaya home....

    ~ bangchik

  16. > Sandy

    I am sure you can get fresh papaya anywhere... but you probably miss the plants and settings where these plants grow and thrive... Hawaii next vacation?

    ~ bangchik
