Sunday, June 21, 2009

A tall coconut tree.

A tall coconut tree against the horizon is always a majestic view.... An artist will happily sit for hours to put it down onto canvas........ We just stopped the car, and froze the most spectacular tropical moment ......

I love the overlapping mountains,
and nature provides the most beautiful tone...,
shades of blue

Gerik area..
north of Perak, Malaysia.


  1. Just gorgeous!!

    It's very nice to meet you and I look forward to stopping back!


  2. > Jen...

    Thanks for the visit... do come back. I envy the space you have in your plot... massive by my standard.

    ~ bangchik

  3. lOvely thanks for sharing them.

  4. You are so right. Nothing like the coconut trees swaying to give that tropical feel. Lucky you!

  5. > Joanne
    > Teresa
    > Prospero

    Tropical feel with tall coconut trees against overlapping mountains... The feel will be a lot different with swaying coconut trees at the beach....

    ~ bangchik

  6. Great photos. I love the mountains in the background.

  7. In the islands coconut trees tells us there is water nearby a river or the sea.

  8. OMG! It's so beautiful! I could just stare at the photos all day!

  9. > Jo
    > islandgal246
    > wormandflowers
    > HappyMouffetard

    Its a lovely sight... a a reminder, we use coconut husk for orcids, money plant climbing pole, as veggie bed boundaries etc.... to rekindle memories!!

    ~ bangchik

  10. Did you just stop by my place? It looks like my backyard..kidding..hehe
    Anyway your pics are wonderful!

  11. > FJL...

    In fact, it is just like anybody's backyard... I dont see many coconut trees in Kundasang... sana negeri berhawa dingin....

    Good that you like the pictures. Sometime pictures better than reality. haha.

    ~ bangchik
