Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The winged beans in full display,

No blooms yet... No words....Just views...

a peep
through the sliding door


  1. So are these planted in something that is hanging? It looks really neat.

  2. > Kim and Victoria
    > Marie
    > Janet

    Thanks for dropping in.... Winged bean plant is somewhat amazing, because it will grow and grow, then suddenly flowers will appear at almost every node.

    Three winged bean plants sharing a three legged trellis. You may say they are hanging, but climbing up and resting on trellis will be more appropriate to describe their current state..... Clicking on earlier posts labelled as "winged beans" will describe the trellis..... Trellis standing on the ground.

    ~ bangchik

  3. Is the bean edible? Not familiar with it...I finally, finally got some beans in yesterday -- a few weeks late. I love lima beans, so that's what I planted. I will do a post about it soon. I cut some bamboo shoots from my neighbors' yard and am using it to make a trellis (nothing elaborate, you will see!) Janet

  4. I love the taste of winged bean. I like it best when fried with sambal belacan. And I am sure this healthy tree will produce very yummy winged beans. Very good job!!!

  5. > islandgardener
    > Stephanie
    > Meems

    Winged beans are very much edible... eaten raw as salad or as veggie in soups, curry or fried as what stephanie suggesting... To eat it raw, it would best to take the younger beans. They are so crunchy and nice...

    I will definitely show beans progress... the blooms ... the little beans.

    ~ bangchik

  6. It looks like a nice healthy plant. I'm sure you will get a good harvest from it.

  7. > Jo

    Thanks for stopping by.... Typical of any bean, these winged bean plants are able to grow even in a adverse condition. As a tropical leguminous plant, the roots can manufacture their own nutrients.

    Harvest is normally bowlful everyday once it starts fruiting....

    ~ bangchik

  8. Its been a while since my last stop. You are growing jungle if I visit you next year I think, glad I visit now hehe, what lots of green, soothing to the eyes.:)

  9. Hi Looking very vigorous and lush.

  10. > FJL

    Given a choice, I will grow a jungle of banana, papaya and roselles.... I am glad you are back, and i suppose drip needle has been taken off your hand.

    ~ bangchik

  11. > Joanne..

    Winged beans will never think back about growing... The moment they sprout, nothing will stop them.....

    ~ bangchik

  12. Does a winged bean taste like a green bean? Or like another vegetable? I've never seen one in person nor tasted one! So beautiful!

  13. > Jeanne...

    The taste is typical of beans.... just more crunchy, and a peculiar taste that lingers a while.... If we cut a cross section, the shape is like a star ... I will definitely show them once they start fruiting....

    Thanks jeanne.
    ~ bangchik
