Saturday, July 4, 2009

Basil showing off against the weeds

As they mature basil flowers turn dark brown. The seed pods are placed at regular interval and resembles pagoda.... As we have replacements ready, i.e. the second generations, I just want to make a casual comparison with weeds before the original Basil passes its prime and die off..

Both flowers are very showy with long and slender stalk ......

the original basil
the mother, or the first generation basil in our garden.


wild weeds
I still cant figure out its name yet....

and of course
the second generation basils and weeds
planted side by side.


  1. I love basil, too. Do you grow any next to your tomatoes.

  2. Fantastic series of lovely flowers !! This is simply great..Thanks for sharing..Do check my another blog also i.e.Unseen Rajasthan

  3. Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog. Your blog is very interesting :) Have a nice weekend. Kaija from Crow Cottage

  4. > Prospero
    Basil is spread at several location, as companion to weeds as shown in the picture, another group close to chilies and another near the climbing plants... Since the last tomatoes, I have not starting one yet..

    Is there anything special about the two close together?

    > Unseen Rajasthan
    Thanks for the drop here.., I will visit your other blog.

    > Kaija
    You have a very interesting blog kaija.., Digitalis is so real with the flower wide open, gaping mouth with fine hairs at the edge.. Interesting. Thanks for the visit.

    Have a nice weekend to you too,

  5. We have to dry the seeds and keep it in the garage for next spring planting. It gives a very nice fragrance when it's dried. We visited the Natural Science Museum and saw a real whale with very interesting story, you can see it here:

  6. > vuejardin

    I agree with you about basil fragrance... we have collected a lot of seeds, but come to think about it, there is no need for plenty, because they germinate so easy and quick. a pinch to save is enough.


  7. Basil is looking lovely and lush.

  8. > Joanne

    Basil is lovely at some stage of its life... not after the flowers start to turn brown...
    ~ bangchik
