Monday, July 27, 2009

Flowers, pavement and a guy

A typical sight. Trees will bloom and in due time, flowers will drop. A lovely sight to some, but to the standard operating procedure of the town council, these beautiful but littering flowers has to be cleared everyday. They end up in bags ready to be thrown into garbage lorries ...

The scene was somewhere in Precint 9 Putrajaya. We visited the nearby clinic for a small check-up, and thought this element within the neighborhood that sometime would go unnoticed worth a post to share ......

I dont know the name of the tree..., someone would.

The bag and the cleaner guy.


  1. I wish I knew the name, but the flowers are pretty and purple or is it pink.

  2. All those petals on the ground remind me of confetti after a wedding has taken place. Pretty.

  3. They look like Cherry blossom but do you have them in your neck of the woods? I hope they compost them!

  4. Cleaned up every day??? Wow. What a lot of work. I think they look rather pretty scattered around like that. (but then, I'm here, and they're there......)

  5. Now, that's something you wouldn't see here. We have leaves all over until most are down before most people rake. We are supposed to have the snow shoveled off our sidewalks by 9:00 a.m. though. Thanks for your comment on my camera critters post. Yes, the robin was looking at me to see if I was going to get closer. It was funny.

  6. > FJL
    > Janet
    > Jo
    > Joanne
    > Peggy

    Thanks for the comments. I agree, that the flowers are nice. I dont think the tree is indigenous to Malaysia, and therefore I never see them anywhere other than in towns, planted as landscape elements.

    ~ bangchik

  7. > Kim and Victoria,
    The flowers are very soft, and after a while the pavement become slippery. Not to good for school children I guess.

    So they clean up everyday. I heard they send organic matter to compost farm.

    ~ bangchik

  8. > Sue.

    Its common for pavements within municipal area to be cleaned up everyday. Places like yours where leaves drop in autumn, you can wait till all drop, then clean up. Here, leaves and flowers drop every minute.... throughout the year.

    ~ bangchik

  9. The tree has very pretty flowers. Val

  10. It is called the pink tabebuia or pink poui by the islanders in the Caribbean. There is a yellow one as well. It is said that it flowers on the on start of the rainy season.

  11. I have a flowering cherry in my yard that is so pretty when it's covered with blooms. But when they fall - what a mess! I have to rake them up like leaves.

  12. > Valeri
    > Islandgal246
    > JGH

    Thanks for the comments, and thanks to Islandgal246 for naming the tree... PINK TABEBULA or PINK POUI. Raking is not bad an exercise, to ensure people can walk safely along the pavement and the grass get fluffed.

    ~ bangchik
