Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fruits season is here!

Middle of the year is for fruits. Mangosteen, rambutans and durians! We bought mangosteen and rambutan recently. These fruits require a prolonged dry spell to ripen.

Such a taste.... year after year.

[buah manggis]

the hairy fruits


  1. Those are really interesting fruits, I've never seen anything like them before. I wish I could try them.

  2. Oh, I love our local fruits. Got some mangosteen from our pasar malam for only RM10 for 3kg. Another mistake I made was to eat a whole bunch of rambutan on my own. I lost my voice the next day ~ most likely due to heatiness coz by too much of rambutans.

    Now I am hoping to recover soon coz I have been eyeing the durians!!! Hope it won't take too long ~ yum, yum durian!!!

  3. I have traveled in Vietnam and Cambodia a few times and they have a fruit like the Rambutan that I loved!

  4. Oh I'm so jealous! I spent some time in Southeast Asia a couple years ago and fell in love with these fruits. Rambutans are my favorite!

  5. It is so interesting to see what you grow.

  6. > gardenerprogress/Catherine
    > J.C.
    > The Hip Homemaker
    > Michelle
    > Joanne

    Middle of the year is about time fruits ready to be picked. They need prolonged dry spell. A friend was saying about though condition most plants and trees has been programmed to force flowering and fruiting...

    When I was a kid, old folks did the unusual thing of slashing the trunk of large trees to induce flowering. They were 100 % right!!

    These fruits are very nice, rambutan being sweet and watery, mangosteen being sweet with a touch of sour taste.

    I havent tasted any durian yet so far... hmm

    ~ bangchik
