Monday, July 13, 2009

Winged beans are blooming!

Our winged beans are flowering now
white and a little bit of blue

still closed

open up a little

full bloom
if we compare this with the above photos
we can imagine how the white outer petals open and pull back
leaving the bluish inside petals exposed.
Its like someone undressing....

its a beauty

Then I remember how Ida's artistic inclination
paints her blue flowers onto the blue sky.
[ Kunne æ skrive på himmeln in her Ida's little corner of the world.]
Gwirrel's Garden post on Here we go again...
shows how different beans
produce similar flowers at least on color and shape.

Winged bean
is also known as kacang kelisa
kacang botol locally


  1. I love the progression of this bud into full bloom...really cool! Is it a vine bean or bush bean? Also like the pepper post :)
    Thanks for your visit, B&K.

  2. What a pretty flower. It's lovely how it 'undresses' itself to reveal it's undergarments.

  3. Vegetables have beautiful flowers, too.

  4. I love the little hint of blue in them, such lovely flowers but is the bean tasty too?

  5. Your pictures of the bean blooms are quite stunning. Are these beans eaten green or dried?

  6. I didn't know winged bean has blue flowers. TQ for showing ;-)

  7. > lynn'sgarden
    > Jo
    > Autumn Belle
    The most stunning flowers are meant for the butterflies and the bees, therefore shapes and color are well blended to entice them ...Those flowers are well exposed to the sun

    Winged bean is something else. The flowers are much smaller and more or less well hidden within the leaves. A hint of blue is all about the color that they have.

    Winged bean is a vine, twining up the trellis.

    ~ bangchik

  8. > prue
    > Bob
    > Stephanie

    Lovely flowers but dont ask me why there is a hint of blue in the inner petals.... that is beans thumbprint!! genetic program!!

    Winged beans can be eaten fresh as salad or ulam , very crunchy indeed. For this, only baby winged beans should be used.

    Sometime we cook... fried winged beans with shrimps.

    ~ bangchik

  9. what a pretty flower I hope the beans are as good to eat.

  10. > Joanne

    Winged bean is a delicacy!!
    ~ bangchik
