Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The first marigold flower on veggie bed

Is that ORANGE, the color of marigold? That's the first flower among the cluster occupying the upper end of our veggie bed. Within a day or two, there will be a lot more by the look of the bulging buds. Soon there will be numerous orange dots all over!!... Kakdah noticed that there were more butterflies and bees now hovering around senduduk, roselle and the latest Marigolds!

very ordinary flower
trying to fit into
the glamorous world of flowers


  1. That's surely is a marigold. Your home will soon be filled with 'many gold'. I like the leaves too which are very beautiful. Can you smell any scent yet?

  2. You have posted wonderful picture of flowers that is appreciated. Keep it up the good work. Cheers :)

  3. Marigolds have their own charm. I love the bright vivid orange. The 'polka dots' would be quite a lovely sight to behold. Enjoy!

  4. I did sniff, but no obvious scent and definitely not within the league of roses. Not very beautiful BELLE, and they do some color fixing to our garden here...

    Thanks FLOWERS, for the drop and comment.

    STEPH, those facing the sun seem to bloom earlier. Kakdah cant see them from kitchen window. Wait until all are flowering.. then she can just enjoy the sight while washing plates... haha.

    ~ bangchik

  5. Bangchik and Kakdah, thank you for stopping by and leaving your kind comments. Such beautiful photos of flowers and fruit! and I could taste the papaya. We hope your garden continues to grow with abundance.

  6. I take extraordinary pleasure at seeing Marigolds.

  7. Haha. now I know what a Marigold is.

  8. they may not be as glamorous as roses, but they are very cheerful and colorful. And they bloom a long time. A wonderful addition to any garden.

  9. Beautiful! And now I'm full of envy. Ops, in a positive way, that is ...
    I've got to go and look for some Marigold for my own garden ... See you!

  10. Thanks for your kind words DI...., I do hope it continues to grow too..

    When there is no rivals around, marigolds serve the purpose, something to look up to, simple and ordinary yellow/orange flowers in abundance, thanks PROSPERO, KIM AND VICTORIA.


  11. RAINNIE..., Its not real gold, just flowers coloured like gold... haha.

    They do bloom a long time, GARDENMOM, but I am thinking how best to handle when the flowers start to fade and dry up... Should we let the flowers go to the end or nib as soon as they start fading.... huh.

    Welcome back LILI of BLOSSOM, lets look for marigolds and let them paint the whole garden with golden color!!


  12. I never used to think much of marigolds until I planted them in my own garden. Not only do their flowers look lovely and nicely contrast the green around them, but they are so beneficial to an organic garden. The seedlings I bought had yellow blooms, but I hope the ones I am growing from seed will be that lovely orange of yours!

  13. Thanks for dropping in MEREDITH. I may just let the blooms go to the end, and nib when seeds are formed. By the look of the clusters of marigolds, there might just be bags of seeds. I am thinking of doing giveaways to those interested in orange marigolds. Interested?
