Sunday, August 9, 2009

Flower exhibition FLORIA2009 Putrajaya (no 2) - the flowers.

FLORIA 2009, Putrajaya
held for a week and Sunday 9th of August is the last day.
The place is big, 50 acre altogether. Large enough to walk around!!


flower arrangement by a school

flower arrangement by another school


  1. Bangchik, I really really envy you. You are staying in this beautiful city with Floria 2009 nearby. There are so many awesome buildings and beautiful landmarks in Putrajaya. Regarding this Floria, I think it is a good idea to get schools to participate.

  2. Beautiful. And I even see some familiar "faces" among the flowers.

  3. > Belle
    > Helen
    > Steph

    Kakdah enjoyed every minute of the tour. I just tag along, zoom, snap and shoot!.... Flowers are beautiful. When I view the pictures, I have to admit that when it comes to dressing, Malaysians are the most colorful and fashionable people!!... haha.
    Thanks BELLE, HELEN and STEPH.
