Monday, August 24, 2009

You just have to look up....

We have been walking on pavements. Eyes are always on the lookout for signboards, holes or whatever and we keep on walking to the shops or to the car on the way back , safe and sound. It would be a great idea to LOOK UP once in a while. We don't know what we have been missing all this while...

the flower is supposed
to fall onto the ground
get itself entangled
on an old stalk

a palm tree

Location: close to Perhentian Bas Kajang.


  1. The different shapes of flowers never ceases to amaze me. I do not think I have seen a Palm tree flower before!

  2. I know exactly what you mean. When you walk through a crowded city, there is usually some lovely architecture, but you end up missing it all as your eyes are so involved in making sure that you don't bump into the crowds, or as you say, watching where you are walking to make sure you don't trip up. We should all stop and look up once in a while.

  3. Bangchik, it reminds me of the stalks of the artificially made colourful 'bunga mangga' decorations used in malay weddings and our national celebrations. Is this the same flower they signify?

  4. Little powder puff flowers popping out from those buds... how interesting! And the green berries are so big as compared with those red berries I normally see. Have a wonderful Monday!

  5. Beautiful palm flowers, I only see those when I'm on vacation, now I'm in the mood for a beach getaway.

  6. you are so right about looking up and seeing everything around you. THough the last time I thought about looking up as I was walking down the boardwalk on the beach, all I saw were gigantic banana spiders unlike anything I see regularly here in Maryland. eeekk!!! I made it a point to just keep looking straight ahead!!!

  7. Most palms have similar flowers, stalks and buds. Only the size differs.... The biggest fruits has to be coconuts, EASYGARDENER and JANET.

    Thats what I want to arrive at JO, looking up once a while, to view lamp posts, architectural beauty and of course flowers of tall trees.

    You may just be right BELLE about bunga mangga originating from palm. Pinang or areca nuts resembles bunga mangga most I think.

    The fruits not too big STEPH... photographs could just be deceiving... Buah Pinang is a lot bigger.

    I am happy to be able to stimulate vacation mood in you VUEJARDIN.... haha.

    We may look awkward to walk with head permanently tilting upwards. If it is scarry for you about SPIDERS, you may just look down WENDY!! haha.

    ~ bangchik

  8. The first picture looks like winter. The last flowers have fallen.

  9. Oh, RAINNIE, your imagination really points it well, recreating season we never had, not even in Genting or Cameron, and definitely not at the top of the hill you always mention at the outskirt of BM.. But rubber trees do shed leaves in great volume at certain time of the year.

  10. One benefir of blogging and taking photos is you become more aware of what is around you and above you.

  11. You are very right JOANNE.... being aware!!

  12. I love your "looking up". Great idea.

  13. Thanks KIM and VICTORIA .... but don't forget to look down, otherwise we keep tripping into drains.
