Monday, September 28, 2009

Mas cotek, a new addition.

Mas Cotek 
Ficus Deltoidea 

It was during Floria2009, the most colorful flower show in Putrajaya, that while touring , we stopped at one of the herbs stall. Mas cotek attracted my attention for a brief moment. The guy came over and talked about this plant. The leaves are awfully stiff, the surface is a lot greener than the bottom. The fruits are white in color. How many times we came across with  lovely white fruits during our life time?.. Seldom.

The plant was in a big black polybag. The price tag was RM30. I wanted just a portion, not the whole big plant, I said. The guy was in such a good mood that he cut off 2 branches, pushed them in a plastic bag and just gave it to me. He reminded us not to tell anyone about it being free while we were still on the tour. The flower show has long gone, therefore it is alright to make it known... Thanks Mr Herb, whatever his name is....

I cut the branches further, and in the end we have 4 little cuttings in small pots. After a month, new shoots start to appear in all 4 cuttings.

mas cotek

mas cotek

I googled, and found this info:-
Mas cotek has been scientifically  researched by two local institutions, University Malaya and MARDI. Research result shows that mas cotek possesses 5 active components which are required by the human body namely: flavanoid, tannins, tritopnoids, proanthocyanins, and phenols. These active components is medically shown to assist in human memory and was used by doctors to treat patients with disability in mental concentration. In addition, mas cotek helps to assist in the effectiveness of vitamin C in controlling nitric oxide and blood circulation. Mas cotek protects the heart in 3 ways; prevent blood clot, control LLD (bad cholesterol) oxygenation and reduce blood pressure. [mas cotek: click here].

~bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya, MALAYSIA


  1. What a wonderful plant! I especially appreciate its heart related qualities since one of my boys has a heart disease. Plus the white fruit! How unusual! Are you sure it's not an albino? ha.

  2. Sounds an interesting plant and useful medical source I am sure there will be many plants still whose medicinal properties remain unknown.

  3. I saw this unique plant at Floria 2009 too. More people are growing this plant at home now, probably due to the news about its medicinal properties.

  4. Don't you just love it when you meet other generous gardeners? Good luck with your new addition. :)

  5. Good discovery of a new medicine.Blood clot, LLD (bad cholesterol) oxygenation and blood pressure, these are the sicknesses we hear everyday.


    Thanks for the comments....

    This plant is really hardy. The leaves are very stiff and thick, therefore they will not wilt easily because quite a volume of water is stored in the leaves...

    The guy at Floria2009, or Mr Herb mentioned about making tea from the leaves... Let the plant shoot out more leaves, then there will a post on how to make Mas Cotek tea!!

    The plant is growing in popularity as nice looking potted plant and find home in many houses and gardens.

    Cheers, have fun
    Putrajaya, Malaysia

  7. Hah haaa ... this is another plant with a weird name. Mas Cotek! Nice plant though. Lucky you!! I want free plants, too!

  8. Blossoming Lili..., it should have been Comel Lotek... !!.. haha. ~bangchik

  9. Memory loss? What is that again? I really need to research more about this plant. It has a lot of promising healing effects.

  10. ROSEY...yea, memory loss. I think this Mas Cotek has found its way into capsules in Malaysia.... But for the moment I like this plant for its beauty... ~bangchik

  11. Its a lovely plant, I guess the leaves have spots on them. Have rarely come across this plant in my area. Hope your mas cotek grows big like a ficus tree!

  12. Thanks James.... I don't intend to leave it to grow big... manageable size in pots. There are spots on the leaves, light and not too obvious. ~bangchik

  13. Hi! Have you consumed the tea?

  14. I was told there's a male and female mas coyek. The male has only a dot while the female has 3 on the underside of the leaf. I was also told that makes only drunk from tea made from the male plant. Is it true?

  15. Males drink tea made from the male plant. Sorry for typo error

  16. Males drink tea made from the male plant. Sorry for typo error

  17. I was told there's a male and female mas coyek. The male has only a dot while the female has 3 on the underside of the leaf. I was also told that makes only drunk from tea made from the male plant. Is it true?
