Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The beauty of winged bean plant

winged beans
on three legged trellis.

I read some where about winged beans being very independent. They survive even on the most hostile soil. It is suggested that their roots are fairly productive. Not only they take in water and whatever nutrients available, the roots  are also able to manufacture their own nutrients....

The photo was taken from the pedestrian walkway. This probably is the view seen by people walking up and down the walkway. Some mothers push their babies in prams. Even babies turn their eyes towards winged beans... haha. I wish I knew, what they were cursing at.... @#uo&////!! +-$#.....

I am very conscious about gardening in this neighborhood. I don't want neighbors to send complaint letters to the council about my garden being a nuisance, dirty or something, blocking their view, spoiling the whole image or whatever.... So gardening here is not only about the intended produce and harvest but about the look, about cleanliness, about the suitable general presentation and the bottom line is all about being accepted by the neighbors, people walking up and down the walkway and the babies too!!!...

You may have your own opinion about the look....
even if it's bitter, i really don't mind... haha

Have Fun
Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. You are a most considerate neighbor as well as gardener. I would feel as though my hands were tied at times.

  2. Look close and you will see a ghost is hidden inside this winged bean plant!!!! I think three legged trellis is fine. I agree with janet that you are very considerate neighbor. In our country there is no regulations neither someone cares about that. Last fall, my neighbors cut down my Azadirachta Indica (Neem) tree outside my home without informing us and i literally could not speak for hours!!!!.

  3. You would make a great neighbor. Come buy the land next to us. Ha. :)

  4. I think it is very beautiful! Looks stunning yet serene and peaceful! I like a plant with an independent spirit.

  5. It's a beautfil display of a lovely leafed plant. I would think your neighbours would find it pretty and they are probably looking at it with pleasure. Babies on the over hand.. who knows what they are saying! I would think it's 'my goodness isn't that winged bean plant just delightful, I love living near Bangchik', it just sounds like naughty words, haha

  6. You are a very considerate neighbour. I'm sure your neighbours are delighted to be living near you.

  7. I wouldn't want to walk through the walkway at night!

    Enjoyed getting to know kacang botol a bit better :)

  8. What kind of neighbours are they to complain? When I was growing "illegally" in NTU, neighbours came to admire my plants.

    May be when you have extra wing beans, give the grouchy neigbour some, and that will shut them up.

    When I grew up in Sibu, every year, we had floods. All my parents veg mati-ed.

  9. You are the kind of neighbor to have. What could be better than a gardener living next door?

  10. I think people should be happy to have such neighbor as you! Your garden looks good, kids can learn a lot just looking at it. The bean tower looks like nice architectural element!

  11. Well, I certainly don't think it's ugly, but I can see why a small child would do a doubletake! It's pretty imposing - and sitting there right on the lawn with nothing else around it...

  12. You are certainly a good neighbor...I agree with the others, you and your family can come and live next door to us anytime...your yard is neat and tidy...if I was a child I would be fascinated by your yard...so many visually interesting thing to enjoy...

  13. you are a very thoughtful and considerate neighbor. your neighbor should be happy you live amongst them. not only your garden looks beautiful, you raised awareness on growing your own produce...


    Again, thank you for your encouraging comments. To a certain extent we have raised awareness about growing and gardening... Gardening is quite an interesting focal point for social interaction and learning... Gardening too is a platform to good social habit by giving and sharing beans!!.. haha.

    Thanks for offering me to be your neighbor... ... If the price is right, I might just give it a try. Even if I am envious about your climate, how can I leave the most beautiful all year round summer of Malaysia. A real tropical heaven!!... Thanks to the offer!


  15. Bangchik, the babies are thinking 'ooh, Jack and the Beanstalk'...and 'why doesn't our house have one?' Haha!

  16. If I am a teacher in Putrajaya, I will bring my school kids to your home during a field trip and let them learn vegetables growing 'live from Bangchik'! BTW, this winged plant is extremely productive.

  17. I remember when my rangoon creeper vine was growing on my neighbour's water apple tree and it just about to bloom gloriously and my neighbour cut the whole bottom branch and all of it withered...
    Neighbours are neighbours - we will never know what they they think until its too late.

  18. LYNN...haha.. or the babies are thinking "Just wait, I will climb that plant!"

    BELLE... I am more than happy to entertain such group!!...

    JAMES... I do understand how you feel seeing a dead plant!!...


  19. Plant looks great on the three-legged trellis. Wish I had a neighbour like you:-)

  20. Its a nice trellis at the beginning.., when its all covered up, it really looks like a column!! ~bangchik
