Friday, October 30, 2009

Today is the last day for daily posts.

I have been churning pictures to display and share here in this blog and the Blotanical on daily basis. Out of necessity , I have to make a change. No more daily posts, Only Wordless Wednesday for the next two month. I am going for a long, long trip overseas......

The Wordless Wednesday to be posted later are pictures I have collected earlier, to share here but I will not  be able to respond to your comments. Do come and share your time and thoughts. Garden is the big wide world, Blotanical in its funny way manage to link these little gardens to a much bigger and more meaningful world called Garden of EARTH......... and its ours, all of us.

I will return......

~bangchik and kakdah


  1. Oh dearest, enjoy your long trip away. I shall miss your posts but thanks for planning ahead and giving me a wordless wednesday to look forward to. Bon Voyage xxx

  2. Bangchik and Kakdah,
    I love coming to your blog -your plants are so pretty. Be safe and have a wonderful trip.

  3. Do enjoy your trip. Your frequent posts will be missed.

  4. Have a wonderful adventure, I look forward to your Wordless Wednesday posts.

  5. Enjoy your long trip and have a wonderful time.

  6. Bangchik and Kakdah, We will miss you. Have a really nice trip.

  7. Bon voyage Bangchik, are you sharing your destination? A two month trip is safe.

  8. Alhamdulillah. InsyaaAllah.

    InsyaaAllah saya juga dapat berpeluang tahun ini.

    Semoga diberkati Allah.

  9. Bangchik,
    Be safe and most of all, have fun! I will miss your posts but eagerly look forward to the WW you post. I don't know if you will have time or not to participate but I award you a scrap blog award on my blog. I think not many men get these awards. I decided to break the mold for you. Happy days to you.

  10. Have a nice lovely holiday trip. Im going to miss those ulam raja progress (sob..sob..)
    Well, really look forward when you come back.
    Take care & have a jolly good fun holiday!!!

  11. Bangchik, I shall dearly miss your daily posts. If you happen to suffer from the withdrawal symptoms of 'unblogging', please write something once in a while from overseas and do take back lots of memories and pictures to share with us. Until then, I wish you and Kakdah a very joyful and safe journey. Bon Voyage!

  12. Hope you are going somewhere lovely where you can find gardens to look at! Will miss you and look forward to your return. Bon Voyage! Val

  13. I will miss you Bangchik - have a great trip!

  14. Bon voyage and I look forward to some updates from the trek.

  15. Have a great time and enjoy your break.

  16. Have a great trip. We'll look forward to hearing about it when you return!

  17. Thanks everyone.... I will definitely miss the flowers, leaves and stems within my little vegetable garden. The little garden will be looked after by Yeop, the eldest son who study at a nearby university. He will soon finish the semester exam and stay home.

    Yesterday, friends turned up, and Baya and her husband took particular interest in roselles and Kakdah gave away some seeds to them... So roselles seem to spread far and wide. Out of the current tight schedule, I fail to mail replacement of roselle seeds to FJL of Keningau. I am truly sorry, but I will make sure that within the first week upon arrival I will see them sealed and sent.

    We passed a container of parsley to a neighbour Pok Nik to look after. That parsley is special because it seems to produce a lot of babies around the main plant.... He came around late evening yesterday to reconfirm "how to look after parsely".... He is very methodical, therefore I mentioned precisely about the pot needing 300ml of water everyday, plant needing 50% shade, organic fertilizer every two weeks or so... haha. Such a nice man, Pok Nik.

    The eldest daughter is here with her husband and two children. My eldest brother BangMat is already here since Thursday with KakAniah, Angah and Nuar. Late today and tomorrow many more will turn up to send both of us off to a long, long two month journey. Sunday 9.30pm, we will fly.

    Wish us luck and back safe...

    Have a nice day
    ~bangchik and kakdah

  18. So, where are you going? Is work involved?

  19. I hope you're traveling for pleasure...

    I know I'm not the only one who will miss your daily posts and comments!

    Have a safe trip and good luck with whatever you're working on!

    I look forward to hearing from you when you get back!!!

  20. Bangchik and Kakdah, safe travels! Don't forget to pack your camera!
    I would be in such a state w/o being able to blog for two!
    Looking forward to hearing about your adventures :)

  21. You will be missed. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy yourself.

  22. We wish you a safe and rewarding journey.

  23. Have a wonderful trip and a safe return! Enjoy!

  24. Have a wonderful trip! You'll be missed!!

  25. That's a dramatic announcement!

    Have an exciting time away.

