Sunday, January 3, 2010

The seeds of chives

chive's seeds
[biji benih kucai]

I like the look and the feel of the white stalk.... and such a contrast against the pure black seeds. But chive's leaves remain green, flowing sweetly with the wind ...... Chives allow propagation to occur in two forms, tuber producing new shoots like tumeric and through seeds. I don't know which one is better and produce better chives. We have them in several pots but none on the bed.....

~ bangchik

Putrajaya MALAYSIA


  1. I do love the contrast between the black seeds and the white flowers.

  2. Your picture is wonderful. It also answered a question Pat and I have had for a while. We have the same plant in a bed. we love the bloom and the dead head. I have a picture similar to your on my nov. 30.2009 post. thanks so much. jim

  3. Are those from white blooms? If so, they are garlic chives, and can get quite aggressive. I was glad to get away from them when we moved. It took me a few years to get brave enough to grow some in pots, and then deadhead them so they couldn't seed themselves anywhere. That is a nice photo, though!

    Happy New Year!

  4. That's a great pic! The colors are very nice.

  5. Nice photo Bangchik, the papery hull with those black shiney seeds are great.

  6. These are so pretty when seen close-up. Our chive flowers were purple this year.

  7. That is a fantastic shot!

    I've never had luck growing chives, but love to use them when cooking.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Kucai? The one we use in soup? I used to have them a while ago ...

  9. The only chives I can get to flower are the purple ones - the white garlic ones struggled this year. Up until now I've never really looked that closely at the seed heads - Bangchik you're always giving me inspiration! thankyou

  10. Dear friends, thanks to your encouraging comments and some are very informative adding up my limited gardening vocabulary...

    All I know, they are chives.... leaves very much similar to onions. Very tasty indeed when fried, and a must in "cucur udang" and fried noodles.

    The flowers has always been white.... so it must be garlic chives as suggested by some of our friends. I have never seen any with purple blooms. I probably grow them too, if they are available.

    They behave much like zephyr lilies in their tenacity to grow.... they just grow and grow. None of the insects bother them or come near them...... so their smell repel most insects.

    If the photo inspire some of you (including leavesnbloom), then that's unintentional. I am just echoing calls to grow more veggies around the house... haha.

    Give chives a space in your garden!

    Putrajaya, Malaysia

  11. I love the picture of chives. I did a needlepoint of herbs once and the chives looked just like that. I'd prefer to eat them though. Fried chives sounds tasty!

  12. JEANNE .... thanks. Needlepoint?... stitches i suppose... and we call it meyulam, or sulam. Fried chives always tasty!!

