Tuesday, January 26, 2010


He must have thought that this must be the prize winning eggplant,
almost the size of Bilbo's head.

Bilbo checking
if chili flower is as hot as the red chili itself.

tropical fern is soft and fun ,
and Bilbo takes a short nap.

 Bilbo checking
Kakdah's hanging plant

The money plant is so welcoming,
circling Bilbo for the most pleasant hug!

Just a little adventure around the house. Haha.... the scarf is still around his neck. I dont want him to miss home badly, so let him hang on to the feel of snow and winter.

~ bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya, Malaysia.


  1. I am glad Bilbo is enjoying his visit. I love the photo of him tasting the chili leaf.

  2. He sure looks happy! But I think that you need to take of the scarf, otherwise he might melt =)

  3. Is Bilbo going to sample the local cuisine? A nice hot curry perhaps?

  4. Most amusing I wondered why he still was wearing a scarf is he not too hot?

  5. I wonder how Bilbo will look in songkok and a sarong.

  6. Resting in a soft fern sounds like the perfect spot for a gold gnome. Maybe he likes the scarf as a fashion statement?

  7. Bilbo is cute - but that eggplant is really eye catching. And papaya (on the right) has me extra jealous!

  8. ...Its really going to be exciting for Bilbo to get lots of tropical gardens and all these few days.

  9. What welcoming hosts you are to the little gnome. Very funny post! The eggplant is my favorite.

  10. Enchanting to see him napping in the fern and hugged by a curly tendril. I vote for taking off his scarf. Doesn't he need, I don't know, some sunglasses by now?

    I am jealous of you growing beautiful eggplant now... ours won't begin to ripen until about seven months from now. ;)

  11. He looks so warm! I know he will enjoy his stay!

  12. How fun to see him exploring another part of the country - I envy all the green surrounding him and I am sure he is more than happy to be out of the snow for a while!

  13. I have already hosted Bilbo, I do like to see what adventures he gets to experience...I know he is enjoying the lush greenery around him.

  14. Bilbo - what an explorer he is! If I put myself in an envenlope and posted it to you can I have a tour of the garden too?? He's so lucky to be there with you.
    Thank you very much for your last comment on my blog - you always have the right words to say xxx

  15. So nice to see Blibo! He does look very impressed with the eggplant. Wonderful, fun pictures! :) Rebecca

  16. it's nice to see him having so much fun! I need him to come help me plant in my greenhouse...he could hold the packets for me! lol

  17. Bilbo seems to be enjoying it there. I think this is a cute idea!

  18. Friends, Gardeners and Bloggers. Thanks for your lovely comments. This will make Bilbo happy.

    Dirt Princess the organiser of Bilbo Travels must have considered the finer points behind efforts sending him to far away land. It truely supports Blotanical existence, connecting regional diversity, plants, people, culture and langguage.

    I do understand about popular request wanting Bilbo to drop off the blue scarf.... haha.


  19. Bilbo is such a lucky gnome to be able to see all these wonderful gardens from around the world! He looks so nice and comfy napping on the fern! Have a safe trip to your next destination Bilbo...
