Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: A lovely tug of war.



not just lovely.., its LOVE.

~ bangchik  


  1. Yes! and don't they make a beautiful tapestry together! ;>)

  2. I love their bright colors. I guess even bugs fall in love...

  3. Oh naughty Bangchick ~ photos of sexy activity *blush* hehehe. They are beautiful bugs xxx

  4. HI Bangchik, I keep meaning to add you to my list but the computer has an annoying habit of distracting me. Or should I say, I have the annoying habit of getting distracted. As for your voyeurism, well, what can I say? We've got a similar bug, not quite so handsome, that also is shameless about what should be kept behind closed doors. Nature has so many entertainments, doesn't it? Looks like three's a crowd in that first photo.

  5. ....Do look carefully and you will see a face of man on the bug.
    Do you see it?

  6. Awesome photos of such colorful characters.

  7. Great pics - and they say so much, don't they?

  8. Awww, love is a many splendord thing! The colors are just amazing in this spectacular photo. Great job.

    Have a fantastically blessed day!!!

  9. never thought of calling it "tug of war"... :)

  10. You can't miss these bugs... they so colourful and bright! They can't hide anything he he...

  11. Ada ka kat Malaysia?? So exotic.

  12. So colorful pictures!

  13. Bangchik, these are amazing photos! Interesting subject, too! So who won the tug...haha! Even bugs in Malaysia are so
    tropical and vibrant looking!

  14. LOL!!!! Don't let Bilbo do anything like that while he is visiting!

  15. Naughty things. You can't miss them though when they're such a bright colour.

  16. Those are beautiful bugs, Bang Cik & you captured them so well!!!

  17. Thanks everyone....

    In a way I am the bad guy, disturbing their privacy. For all they know, that's their place, their home and their bedroom. On the other hand I claim the whole place as mine, my little vegetable garden. I just wonder, who intrude whose privacy?... Perrghhh, lets not discuss on grey area..

    Lisa of the Ocean,.... these red bugs are in my garden right now, accompanying the aging roselle plants. Every time pokok kekabu seed pods open up, these bugs will be around in large numbers. I have seen this many many times in Perak. I am sure they are everywhere across Malaysia. We only have to look...

    I will soon pull out roselle plants and get the vegetable ready for the next crop. Everything is under way. I just wonder where will they go, when their hideout is ripped out....

