Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bilbo is homesick?


We went out to the centre of Putrajaya. The place is Putrajaya Square, overlooking the Prime Minister Office. Putrajaya Mosque was a little bit to the left. There was this nice looking telephone booth, red body and a black handset with a bold red hello . I sensed Bilbo was missing home terribly, but too bad he had completely forgotten the number.









This warning signboard was at the fence of a restricted area. The message was meant to be read in any of the 4 languages; English, Chinese, Indian, and Malay. Malaysia is really multilingual and multicultural. I guess we have to continue living that way, be accommodating and respect each other to live happily and peacefully.
But Bilbo said, he hasn't seen much other than Putrajaya! Huh.....

Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. So cute... I'm loving Bilbo's adventures in Putrajaya. :)

  2. I see Bilbo is still enjoying his vacation in the warm climate. He has sure seen some beautiful places at while visiting your home.
    He is making us all jealous of his whirlwind world tour. LOL!

  3. Oh, I can see that he's have a good time with you. So many adventures... Please give him a hug from me / gittan

  4. Great post, I think Bilbo is wonderful! So cute to see him next to the 'Helo' sign.

  5. Lawak Bangchik. Complete with ET call home. Sporting Kakdah!:)

  6. What a well travelled gnome! I see he has removed his scarf! must be warming up!

  7. Love these bilbo posts. I really didn't know anything about Malasia until I "met" you and my other Malaysian blogger friends. Yes, it definitley seems very multicultural and a place I would love to visit one day.

  8. Love Bilbo's adventures! I hope he heeded the warning ;)

  9. A traveling gnome, he gets around!

  10. Friends and Bloggers:-

    Bilbo will stay here for another week to get the right tan. He really has to show that to everyone.

    He is keen to see more of Kakdah's exquisite cooking. Sambal belacan, kari, masak kicap, mee kari, nasi lemak, tom yam, cucur kodok, nasi himpit, ikan bakar, sup ekur, kangkung goreng belacan... huh.., I can go on and on.

    Like Glennis said " A travelling gnome, he gets around"...

    Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  11. Looks like Bilbo has had lots of fun.

  12. Bilbo is making his little gnome self very content with you! Like Wendy Says, I dont know much about Malasia but am learning more with each Blog visit!

  13. Becca's Dirt... He sure does

    Skeeter ... Blotanical and blogging will connect us agin and again.

