Thursday, April 8, 2010

a little bit ambitious



Those are many by our standard. The yard is small, hence the little vegetable garden. After years of gardening, I tend to become less calculative. I used to be so exact, meaning I wont germinate more than needed.

Germinating from fresh seeds is so reliable, that we can always guarantee the percentage of success. Leftover seeds pose a little bit of problem. Not all will germinate, and some become so thin. Some died before transplanting. It seems that seeds age over time. But the most wonderful part of seeds survival is shown by spinach, they survive within the wetness of the soil, and they just need that little signal to sprout after staying dormant for a couple of years. Once the bed is cleared, they react!!

To be on the safe side, I germinate more than needed. It does give a picture of me being a little bit ambitious, but the truth is I am trying to be reasonable, calculative and choosy!.. I can choose the best.......

Putrajaya Malaysia


  1. Looks like your will be busy!

  2. Dear Bangchik, Each seed, I feel, represents a small miracle. I never cease to be amazed and wonder at the way in which something so very tiny can materialise into a large, healthy living plant.

  3. Nice job. Your seedlings look great. I planted seeds of cucumber, squash and broccoli today.

  4. A gardener's talk...

    A talk on economy..

  5. I feel the same way!!

    Recently, I've been able to give seedlings away to very appreciative friends though! Your seedling photographs are gorgeous!

  6. I'm with you, Bangchik. I always sow a few more than I need. Like Wendy, my friends are always grateful for the extras - I hand them out on Mother's Day!

  7. That's a lovely sight. Your dainty seedlings look so cute. It's amazing how this little plant could grow to be one nce vege :-D You have my respect for growing vege. I just couldn't grow enough of ornamentals. So, no time and those important skills to grow vege. Way to go Bangchik & Kakdah!

  8. I give my surplus seedlings away to friends who are always appreciative of them, and they return the favour also, which is nice.

  9. Your seedlings look very healthy and it's good you'll have an ample supply. I just love the way they always lean toward the sun. :)

  10. Sheila ~ exactly!.. carefully watering them twice a day and preparing their eventual growing place.

    Edith Hope ~ miracle indeed. Tiny thing ending up as something big.

    Kim and Victoria ~ Good luck to your cucumber, which I had failed so far.

    rainfield61 ~ Everyone is moving around economy, like a bee and butterfly. Economy is sweet and enticing like a sunflower dear rainnie...

    Wendy ~ We do the same thing. Offering seedlings. Kakak, our daughter, the other day parted with bags of seedlings.

    Putrajaya MALAYSIA

  11. ~ JGH ... Thanks for the comment. But not many like to grow vegetables around my place..

    ~ Stephanie ... I wont say growing veggie require special set of skill. Veggies are plants, very much the same as ornamental.

    ~ Jo ... We are not living among vegetable gardeners Jo.., most are not into leafy veggie. Neighbours are into flowers.

    ~ nancybond ... They never stop doing that, leaning toward the sun. Sometimes I shift their position and so sweet to see them reversing the bends.

    Putrajaya, Malaysia
