Friday, April 9, 2010

a new rows of radishes

young radishes.
Little sticks are placed to discourage
neighbour's cat from walking through
and scratch the soil for a poo.

young radish

young radish

young radish

Two rows are set for radishes.The soil is very much sandy and dry up quick, therefore these radishes will be experiencing different treatment as compared to other radishes we had grown so far. The rest are on vegetable bed sharing with tomatoes. The new rows have different companions: colourful ati-ati (Coleus), pegaga (Centella asiatica or pennywort) and ulam raja. This vegetable bed is very close to the pedestrian walkway, therefore it has to endure hotter temperature and curious eyes from passersby.

It will be interesting to see how these little ones progress.

Putrajaya Malaysia


  1. Lovely babies, the coleous will make a nice neighbour. I like the idea of placing sticks along the top to deter cats.

  2. Dear Bangchik, Much as I love cats I do so agree that they do need to be kept from a newly prepared seedbed. Your sticks will surely do the job.

  3. Oh yes, those cute kitties can be quite annoying sometimes. I can hardly wait till we can sow our radishes. They are one of my favorite early veggies.

  4. Nice and tidy. Can't wait to see the tomatoes !

  5. HAHA! Really like your first bit of poetry ;)

  6. I wonder how your radishes will do in a sandy soil - I have poor experience. For me they grow best in humus rich soil.

  7. My neighbour's cats are a nuisance too. As soon as I dig a bed over they think it's a cat toilet.

  8. Rebecca @ In The Garden ~ I love to see cats moving about in the garden, but definitely not near baby plants.

    Edith Hope ~ Sticks just to deter them...

    CherylR ~ Radishes are fun to grow and watch them swelling every day.

    Patsi 'Garden Endeavors' ~ Thanks. For a little garden like ours, it is a lot easier to keep it neat and tiny. Not for a FARM.

    Putrajaya Malaysia

  9. Kyna ~ thanks, but I am not much of a poet... haha.

    Ewa in the Garden ~ very sandy, but i treat them with lot of organic fertiliser... and compost too.

    Jo ~ Once, cats were having romantic time under the shade of papaya.. haha.. what a lovely mating holiday that was for them.

    Putrajaya Malaysia

  10. I just love how quickly radishes germinate. My kids get so excited. The sticks are a great idea to keep cats out.

  11. ~ Noelle... On speed, nothing beats Radishes. - bangchik
