Sunday, April 11, 2010

Plants; the good and the not so good

Pic 1:  tomato plants

Pic 2:  spinach

Pic 3: Sunflower

Pic 4: Sunflower

The Good and Healthy Plants:
The plants in pic 1 and 2, shows every sign of healthy plants. We seldom go through a check list to really define what is a healthy plant. The first impression offers a fair estimate of health level of a particular plant which boils down to these elements.
  1. Foliage
  2. Shape
  3. Sign of Disease and Pest attack
  4. Root System
  5. Stem Damage
  6. Buds and Flowers

The Not So Good Plants:
The sunflowers in Pic 3 and 4, look a little bit awkward.  The problem is centered at the leaves  which wrinkled too much. The leaves are green which is an indication that the plants are not suffering from malnutrition or any deficiency.  I did notice a few aphid colony at the crevices of leaves, which has been physically removed.  After that the plants continue growing with a better set of leaves. The wrinkled leaves remain as a reminder as if aphids had put up a sign "Aphid was here!".....

~ bangchik
putrajaya MALAYSIA


  1. I hope the aphids stay away for you and your plants. The new sprouts look great!

  2. I hope the sunflowers recover and shine for you. :)

  3. Nice plants. I bought plants of cherry tomatos.

  4. my eye was caught by the peacock butterfly, that's a lovely photograph, and the papaya...i wish we could grow these in england!

  5. I'm sure your sunflower will still go on to produce some lovely flowers for you.

  6. ~ Dirty Girl Gardening ... I hope so. Just had a feeling, that they will be back.

    ~ AaronVFT ... sorry to hear about the invasions on your sunflowers. Maybe you want to consider companion plantings to set a balance.

    ~ Meredith ... Thanks and in fact they do, by producing healthy shoots. They too wish to forget the pain of wrinkled leaves.

    ~ na ... I hope your cherry tomato grow well and offer you bountiful fruits.

    ~ hazeltree ... haha.., I can appreciate your tropical imagination, about growing them and tasting the juicy papaya right in the garden and the sight of Peacock butterflies dancing from flower to flower. Likewise I crave for snow....

    ~ Jo ... Thanks Jo, I think they hear you and are gearing up well for sunflowers explosion soon!

    ~ bangchik
    Putrajaya Malaysia
