Saturday, June 26, 2010

The first cucumber

The first cucumber shows up,
tiny fruit with flower at the end.
The spiky surface would probably protect it for a while against intruders
before it balloons up into a nice baton shape.

To see little fruit
coming out is a joy.


  1. Mine are still in the little happy flower stage.

  2. Great Bangchik, well i m back to blogger after a long time due to my very busy life schedule. However I've been updating my horticultural website "", hope you have visited it already. Today I will try to write something on my blog ao that I may enter again in my blogger family, nice evening :)

  3. Nice! Cucumbers are very welcome in my garden. My boys eat them just like apples!

  4. Very exciting, mine don't even have flowers yet.

  5. Too cute !
    Love cucumbers here and aren't the flowers pretty.

  6. Isn't it fun to see that little cucumber growing behind the bloom. I love the things. I just got my seeds planted for them two weeks ago but they are up and growing nicely. Your garden has done so well this year. That is too bad that the termites ruined your Papaya tree. What a loss.

  7. Thank you Bangchik. This is my first time knowing and learning about cucumber. Didn't think it would start with a flower! Looking forward to see its progression into a baton. It is really amazing when you think about it. Nasi lemak will never be the same again.

  8. What a cute little baby cucumber. The flower is a nice addition. :)

  9. keewee ~ thanks, hopefully yours will turn out well.

    Hortist ~ welcome back and make your horticulture site colourful for all of us to learn....

    Tatyana@MySecretGarden ~ there are only two plants growing right now, definitely not enough to pick and bite like apples. The fruit has been reserved for nasi lemak...

    pdxlisa ~ they will flower soon in your garden. There are lot of flowers but most are males in ours...

  10. Patsi 'Garden Endeavors' ~ their flowers are pretty but bitter gourd flowers are even prettier.

    Hocking Hills Gardener ~ hopefully your cucumber grows well, so that i can learn a few things here and there. This is my first attempt by the way. About papaya, well, there is a limit to what a plant can grow...

    Ocean Girl ~ your first time knowing how a cucumber develops. Me too.., first time growing. Yes, nasi lemak is waiting for the cucumber to get big enough for knife to slice...

    Rebecca @ In The Garden ~ yes, the little cucumber is cute. rough and spiky..., but i am sure it will smoothen in days to come...


  11. My greenhouse cucumbers are at the same stage as yours. They just grow so quickly this time of year. I have an all female variety so should get lots and lots!

  12. Matron ~ they really grow quickly. Glad that you have all female variety. But mine is just a single fruit bearing flower, the rest are all happy sterile flowers....

  13. Lovely! wow.. that's so nice to see - it means that there is still promise for my small cukes that are just sitting and waiting to grow! :)

  14. Niki Jabbour

    There is always hope Niki.., oh, plants love to give surprises. When we giving up all hopes, they spring into action. Like anything else Aaron, little cucumber is cute.

  15. Mine are about where yours are! They grow fast, don't they?

  16. JGH ~ The fruit really grow, the next is a lot bigger.
