Sunday, July 4, 2010

butterfly happy with the heat.

It was middle of the day.... 
too hot for both of us, 
but this butterfly was happy basking.


It looks awfully similar to peacock pansy I have posted on the 8th of February this year a butterfly trying hot chilli.
But this isn't  as bright and as colourful. A variant probably.

any idea anyone ?


  1. Bangchik, Good morning!

    This butterfly seem to be having luhc on our wild flowers.

    It is difficult to see all the 'eyes/rings' from this angle. It looks like a dark brown bush brown butterfly. Other possibilities are grey pansy, niger or long brand bush brown.

  2. I'm scared of butterflies (isn't that very silly - they are so beautiful). You take wonderful photos of them, I usually have my eyes tight shut when they flutter past and land on a flower = no photos from me.

  3. They are so beautiful and colorful that they can remind me of reason why they are shown in tropical area such as Malaysia.

    Today I updated my blog with a introduction of a vegetable which may sound unfamiliar to you.
