Friday, July 30, 2010

Marigolds are ready to show.


marigold bush

marigold bush close-up

the first bud

the second bud

Huh, with summer all year round , we miss the cycle of most flowering plants. We tend to grow flowering plants without the worry of weather and climate. In 4 seasons region, gardeners are quite particular when to start growing and the time should be enough for flowers to appear before winter comes and paints everything white.. Over here, I just grow them knowing that one day they will be kind enough to push out the first bud.
Marigold forms a lovely dense bush, and in a way they do create an impact to the surroundings. After seeing the light of day since March this year, now the first bud appears, then the second. I purposely put this post through before more buds come out, before the anticipation of flowers slowly recedes....

The other day, I saw a snail or two resting on the stems of marigolds. I am sure, they had a quite dinner of marigold shoots. When marigolds come to this height and age, snails cant kill them. It is at the young tender age, that they are very delicate, and a good lick by snails will put little seedlings to sure rest.

Soon there will be yellow dots all over.



  1. Marigold was the first plant I grew while I was still schooling which marked the start of a love affair with flowering plants after the vibrant orange/yellow blooms!

  2. That's a lush marigold bush, BangChik! Fyi, I didn't expect marigold to be so big. I grow mine in small shallow pot. Oppps...I may need to change pot if that's the case. Can't wait for mine to bloom.

  3. Such a beautiful plant! What an interesting comment on growing without seasons. Here we wait, wait, wait to plant and then count the days til bloom time and hope it happens before the first snow!

  4. Hi Bangchik, We are really fortunate to have flowers and greens throughout the year, right? But then I miss the colour of Autumn. It's really beautiful; red, brown, yellow, gold and many shades in between. And I must say, our garden is quite alike.

  5. marigold was my first plant that i grew too...over here in the southwest of england we can have all four seasons in one day...and your marigolds grow so big...

  6. I LOVE that photo of the first bud - so exciting!! I've seen a marigold bush so large before, it truly will be stunning in full bloom xx

  7. P3chandan
    Interesting to know how gardeners get hooked with plants. Therefore marigold is no ordinary plant.

    I envy those dwarf marigolds, lining up the roadside in putrajaya. Probably ours are the original wild type. The seeds were taken from kakdah's mom place.

    Having seasons like yours allows soil, and gardeners to rest.. In our garden, it won't look good to leave the raised bed empty..

    If we look around, there are hints of autumn everywhere... Leaves yellowing and dropping, a few but not all.

    I think our marigold is the original wild type, hence the tall and dense bush. Our season is limited to rainy and sunny.

    It should be stunning when flowers appear in big number. But the previous attempts proved that marigolds lose strength at blooming time. Branches will bend and they get so brittle that strong gust of wind will force them to bow.


  8. Bangchik, I love the way you see gardening as a process, embedded in time. I am so pleased your marigold bushes have escaped the dreaded snail food fate.

  9. You have a lovely bunch of marigold plants! I planted this before, years ago, in pots, and the flowers was orange and really huge. They were simply beautiful, my neighbours used to stop and admire them! I tried growing them again after that, but the flowers was not as huge as the first batch. I can't wait to see your "sea of yellow marigolds". It must be beautiful against the greens. Keep us posted.

  10. Catmint.
    Growing plants is all about time. With seamless season and climate, we are not too particular about timings. We can practically grow plants anytime and wait for the first bud. In cold places, gardeners have to save plants through winter by gathering them in greenhouse. In a way those gardeners develop into being very methodical. Over here we let that loose a little bit.

    Yes, soon a sea of yellow bloom will create waves in our garden.

    Kitchen flavours
    It wasn't good last season, because blooming time coincide with windy season. Branches bow onto the ground. I hope the sea of yellow marigolds will create waves of joy to us and neighbours.

    Cheers, have a nice day.
