Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New sunflowers in the garden

Seasonless Little Garden

Sunflowers originate from America where seasons are permanent feature governing how plants should behave year after year. Putrajaya where I live, is tropical therefore season is seamless, always a hot and wet summer throughout the year.  We just had a delightful season of  blooming  sunflowers in the garden. Now we are ready to see sunflowers making a comeback with seeds saved last season.

two plants in a large pot

sunflower in pot
view from the top

Another eight of them are placed close to the site where the old papaya once grew mighty high. The other three are placed on the vegetable bed replacing the place once filled by eggplants. This time round, it will be interesting to see how two plants fare within the constraint of a container. The light yellowish green is a familiar colour for sunflower leaves, and will soon be the focal point.

3 plants on vegetable bed
(lilies on the left and basil on the right)



  1. Sunflowers really brightens up the garden, beautiful big yellow blooms among the greens!
    Hope yours grow into sturdy beautiful plants!

  2. Sunflowers are really beautiful :)

  3. Sunflowers are such a hardy breed and so cheery. Keep us posted on their growth.

  4. I have enjoyed growing sunflowers so much this year. I can't wait to grow some next year from the seeds from this year so I can be like you :-)

  5. I just did a post about sunflowers too - mine are just starting to bloom. Glad to see yours are working out for you!

  6. Looking good Bangchik! Love to see plant growing healthily like these that you have. Yup, we can have sunflower whole year round :-D

  7. I love sunflowers...nothing happier!

  8. So fun! Everything looks very healthy!

  9. Healthy looking plants. Where the sunflower is, surely I'll find the sun!

  10. Thanks for the visits and comments.
    they are growing alright, no pest
    attack so far. Alphids attacked a
    cluster last growing season. The
    interesting part is to see if the
    plant will produce single or multiple

    Cheers, bangchik
