Sunday, July 11, 2010

Two more cucumbers showing.

the shoot and the flower

a bee
 and cucumber male flower

a bee 
sucking nectar

the tiny one
with flower still fresh and intact

The bigger one
Slightly bent cucumber.
I guess it will straighten up a little bit as the fruit gets bigger and heavier.

There are two cucumber plants sharing the trellis. The first plant has produced a lovely cucumber which has been consumed with nasi lemak as breakfast. Now the second plant is taking it's turn. Two cucumbers are showing up. But the first plant is still finding its old rhythm to produce cucumbers....

I just add organic fertilizer to the plants in the form of poultry pellets, after a light fluffing of the soil. I hope the roots are not disturbed too much. I read somewhere about fluffing; even though some roots will be disturbed,  but more new and fresh roots will be produced to take advantage of the additional fertilizer.



  1. Well, when the soil is tight is not a good thing for the plant anyway. I was told by an experience gardener before fluffing is good for plants ;-)

  2. Thanks to the bee, and you have your cucumbers.

  3. Stephanie........ Yes fluffing is good, enabling new roots to develop and penetrate far.

    Rainfield61...... bee is the friendly pest to gardens, but they can sting too...

    Aaron.... Yes, flowers offer sweet nectar and lovely color for the friends, bee, butterfly and beetles.

    Green Lane Allotments..... Congratulations to you for having baby cucumbers. The feeling is always great after seeing one.

    Cathy J..... Surprisingly motivation can also be derived from garden, not necessarily from the highly paid consultants and the most famous motivators..


  4. Cool! I have several tiny cucumbers, but I am afraid that recent heat wave could kill them!

  5. Lovely photos. My cukes aren't doing so well after our heatwave hit in June. It is good to see yours.

    I can't imagine cucumber for breakfast! Sounds so exotic. :D

  6. Tatyana... Heard about recent heatwave in your place. Hopefully plants don't suffer too much.

    Meredith.... Cucumber is 90 percent water. They will suffer in heatwaves. But we can always grow them later.

    Have a nice day,
