Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Garden to table, kakdah's way

a bittergourd which is the last, winged beans and okra. 
The two big and long okra are hard and seedy, and I dont think kakdah will include them in her cooking. I guess they are matured enough to be saved and dried for seeds. Winged beans are in abundance now.

a close-up

kerabu kelisa

This salad has its own charm, colourful and tasty. Winged beans, young mango, tomato, carrots, red chili, and onions are thinly sliced and mixed. Then add salt and lemon juice. There is no specific amount of each, just add things and check for look and taste to your liking. It will take any lunch and dinner to a different height!

bangchik and kakdah's menu


  1. Such a beautiful salad! Bet it tasted as good as it looks!!

  2. Do you have any surplus vegetables?
    Good post on the growing popularity of barter in the food world.
    No Cash? No Problem. How to Barter for Food

  3. I've never heard of winged beans. They look interesting. That salad looks yummy.

  4. Your salad makes my mouth water! It looks so tasty. Pam

  5. A delicious salad for dinner! I would love to try making this salad too.

  6. The salad must be very good for buka puasa.

  7. Bangchik hi, you and your blog are great always....glad to see you on my horticulture site www.hortist.com, hope you like it......have a nice day :)

  8. You have many combination of colours in the salad which makes it look both yummy and nutritious.

  9. That looks delicious.

    And it's interesting to see veggies we have never seen before.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  10. Thanks everyone for the visits and comments. I seldom feature recipes here, and this post is one rare moment.

    Preparing food is always quick and goes on at a lightening speed. Getting pictures will always get in the way of Kakdah's manoeuvrings in the kitchen.

    I love to highlight this kerabu kelisa more because of its colourful and happy display. To a larger extent, food is about taste, but colour do play a part too. After all life ought to be colourful...

    Adding belacan, a local shrimp paste, will boost up the taste, but that kerabu kelisa was without belacan. A pure veggie salad... vegetarian style.

    have a nice day, ~bangchik

  11. It's colorful, sounds delicious and I love the idea of the mango in there. Yummy!!!

  12. Poetic... for any presentation, first impression is very important. The salad may win on that point, but taste is individual. Mango is quite versatile as additions.

