Thursday, August 19, 2010

Looking outside in on sisterhood.

winged bean viewed from the house, heavy and dense on the trellis

blooming coleus and roselle.
Coleus loves a little bit of shade.
For easy identification, roselle has leaves of darker green
compared to winged bean.

okra flower quite visible

winged beans and all the companions.
Closest is lengkuas, or galangal or blue ginger which rarely placed at vintage spot,
always tucked somewhere at the back in most garden.

the view from the other end.

a wider view from the other end.
Closest  is basil with its columnar flower.

It is a little feminine to mention about sisterhood. We may want to say it as brotherhood, the bond, the companionship, or kinship. It is all about coexisting in a world where the most enterprising will go far. The earlier posts of  Unintended companionship of Okra, Roselle and Wing..., and   Okra get entwined as in the Legend of Three Sister... , scrutinise the delicate balance of companionship. The same hand that lends support will break the other's neck and suffocate.
To be fair, we do have to take another view, which is outside in to trace what lies within the companionship at a glance. Then we are looking at companionship on a bigger perspective. Soon the flowering and fruiting winged beans will go, okra will reach its finishing line along with roselle, zinnia, marigolds and ulamraja. In a couple of months, the look will be different, new plants in, different concept and colour scheme. The new plants will get used to different companions, for another sisterhood.

But lengkuas or galanga will stay, 
as an old man to relate stories about the do's and don'ts 
of staying together in harmony.

  bangchik and kakdah, Putrajaya Malaysia ~my little vegetable garden  


  1. Bangchik, I really like your photos and your garden. Very neat and orderly. Would love to hear from Lengkuas....

  2. Those old coconut shells as the veggie patch border makes your garden look more lovely. Kacang kelisa looks like it is going to take over.

  3. You spend time in office, in your garden, and blogging.

    You must have more than 48 hours per day.

  4. I like the idea of Lengkuas staying to relate the stories to the new plants!That is the whole story of the garden and life, everything moves on, new things take over or become fashionable for a while but the older wiser ones have their place in the whole scheme of things too.

  5. ~Carol
    Thanks... I am not too sure which one you are referring to, the flower, the leaves, the plants, the coconut borders or the companionship of plants. Tropical climate is blessed with plenty of sunlight, warmth and rains.., so plants tend to go really green.

    Garden will change over time, so photos are digital memories. Lengkuas is just a kind of plant that will grow and make the place it's permanent residence. It remembers all botanical happenings.. haha.

    Thanks, in a way garden will just behave the way we want it to be.. where we grow plants, how we combine them, how we feed them, the trimmings and pruning done... a simplistic way to look at garden.

    Sabut kelapa (coconut husks) make life easier in maintaining a neat border. It displays rural charm. Yes, kacang kelisa (winged beans) is ever ready to take over, but my pruning scissor is also ready to discipline it.

    There is no limit to time. It swells and shrinks the way we want it... haha. Honestly I sleep more than gardening and blogging combined!!

    Lengkuas is the wise one, the patriach of the whole botanical clan in the garden.... It will never grow taller, always maintaining the same height. Lengkuas is characteristically self-composed and sensible, some form of level headedness...

    Cheers, have a great day ahead.
    ~bangchik and kakdah

  6. I enjoy seeing the "long view" images of your garden. I can picture it better now. I think of you when I see my ginger plant growing, as I associate ginger more with Malaysia than southern California. I hope to be able to harvest some ginger root later this fall. Lou Murray's Green World

  7. ~greenlifeinsocal
    Thanks for the visit... ginger grown here is almost effortless, i guess here is their natural habitat.

  8. Bangchik, your garden has many kinds of vegies and herbs, yet it is so neat! Wow, impressive! My one and only vegetable bes is a mess...I am embarrassed after seeing your neat garden.
