Thursday, September 16, 2010

Orchids back home







Oh, when we have space like mother in law, with a full one acre plot, then there are so many things we can do and grow. With all the tall coconut trees, mango, kedondong, nangka  and cempedak creating specific grid layout, Mother In Law as any other lady (kakdah included) manage to allocate area for her orchids. I am not really into orchids, so I cant give names. I can at least give name to one of them ~ Tiger Orchid...
The recent hot spells over in Malaysia which is quite long, is felt by many and orchids too.  Flowers doesn't seem to last long before they wilt and pinched by insects.  Those properly protected by shade fare better, healthier and with richer colour.



  1. Do these orchids grow in the garden (in the ground) or in containers? Looking at these beautiful orchids (they are stunning, by the way), I realized that the only kind of orchids I've ever seen were all grown indoors in containers. Is it also possible to plant them in the ground in tropical climates?

    Thank you for sharing pictures of these spectacular orchids!

  2. Lovely orchids in your MIL's house. I like the way you name them; a, b and c. I won't know the difference. :)I just received a dancing flower orchid last week. Very lovely too. I think you have that one, right?

  3. thyme2garden
    - some orchids are grown on the ground, with wooden stake for orchids to cling on. Typically there would be coconut husks at the base and around stake to retain water. Some are meant to grow on trees therefore they thrive in hanging pots.

    - putting a, b, c in a way an excuse for knowing their names.. haha. i think i have dancing flower orchids.


  4. Hi Bangchik, I was going to ask the exact same thing thyme2garden asked. I can just imagine these beautiful orchids growing in the ground. The bouganvilla below is stunning!

  5. Hi Bangchik, In response to your comment left on my blog, those beautiful blooms are in my niece's garden in Canada. They would have 'layu' in my garden.

  6. Bangchik have you ever tried growing orchids on a tree branch without using container? Try training the roots on the branch. They grow well like this in my mama garden. She does not grow them in containers anymore. She just attach the orchid to mango tree ect.

  7. One
    -yes, i can almost feel the cool climate of Canada. Cameron highlands produce such beautiful blooms too.

  8. tina
    in fact the biggest orchids in existence which is natural in our region, Grammatophyllum grow on the ground just like any other plants.

    Malay-Kadazan girl
    yes, MIL has a few attached to rambutan trees. I don't have big trees to stick them on in Putrajaya. Fern like tanduk rusa or staghorn fern grow that way too, stuck on trees.


  9. They are so pretty. I am not an orchid aficionado but I can appreciate their beauty all the same. I don't know how people can remember so many plant names. My son says I keep having "Senior Moments." He's right.

  10. Some of the orchids I find in the jungle are as beautiful as yours.

  11. Names, or not, they are all beautiful.

    Great shots.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  12. AaronVFT..
    You are so good with orchids names..

    Senior moments?.. oh, little mental glitches that had been visiting us, more now than before... haha.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. rainfield61
    just like cattle, before man decides to domesticate them, they are beautiful, happy and running about in the wild. I guess orchids are perfect in the jungle too.

    Muddy Boot Dreams
    Orchids are beautiful even without names.. haha.. you are right.


  15. My mom used to buy the tiger orchids stalks for Hari Raya, it's a must for her to buy fresh flowers and I always see the orchids among the flower arrangements on the table.
    Your MIL must have a gorgeous Orchid garden!

  16. Jama.
    She spreads her orchids all over, some under orchid house, some hanging on rambutan branches, some on nangka low branch and some planted on the ground...
