Tuesday, September 21, 2010

An overview of the garden.

lady's finger is growing very tall right now, 
about 7 feet now made possible with the support by winged beans

winged bean is fruiting mad.
another winged bean.
 a trellis for three clitoria ternatea to climb on.
Kakdah was joking about this trellis. 
She said, it is too neat for any plant to climb on.. haha

 clitorea ternatea winding its way up.
the little flower bud is visible already.

 kale in pots doing well

Kale on vegetable bed, are feasted by grasshoppers.
I seldom grow tomato in pots. 
But the two plants in the same large pot are doing fine.
they are fruiting already.
an orange lantana.
 chive flowering again.



  1. Dear Bangchik, Thanks for giving us an overview of your garden. It is useful to 'get the big picture' occasionally. Your vegetables look great. Pam

  2. Many kacang kelisa to pick everyday bangchik? Nice trellis there.

  3. nice view..winged beans or okras fried wth dried shrimp is the trip to heaven..enjoy bangchik!

  4. It is great to see your overview... so lovely and tidy... how I long for such a garden. Every plant is thriving from your care Bangchik. ;>)

  5. I am sure the trellis will lose all its neatness once the plants cover it!
    I had to look up Clitorea (new to me) and it is a very beautiful colour.

  6. Your garden is coming along nicely.

  7. Thanks everyone for the visits and comments. Usually my daily post is somewhat focused, treating vegetables on micro. An overview is to pull back and view things from a distance. Just a general scan of the little garden.

