Sunday, October 24, 2010

I am moving on.

I am busy lately, to finish off outstanding work, and get myself and the whole family ready to move on. The next destination will be Kelantan. I have been there twenty years ago, when life was different, kids were toddlers. Now everyone seem to really grow up, and both of us, me and kakdah getting a lot older... haha. First of November will be the beginning of a new journey to Kelantan. Do I like Kelantan to work and stay.. Yes!, Do I like Putrajaya to work, garden and stay?.. Yes!!.

Places are tiny dots on the big globe Earth. I am moving 450 km to the north east of Putrajaya. I heard jungle along the way up there is still pretty and virgin. People of Kelantan are known to be very industrious and enterprising. I am sure, there are ready materials to fill up this blog. There will be gardening activity of course where ever I go..., but the scope, concept and content will surely be different., adapting to what is available.  So in the meantime for the next few days, I will display some components of my little vegetable garden to the very end. I know, it is not easy to let go.....

no pictures today, just memories..



  1. Bangchik, Congratulations on this new chapter in your life. Is it a job promotion? Which town are you going to?

    Like this quote by Dave Mustaine, “Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard.” I'lm sure there are lots of beautiful memories in Putrajaya but luckily you have already captured a big portion in your popular blog.

    Kelantan is a beautiful place. I'm sure you and Kakdah will build a lovely home and garden there. I will look forward to your next adventures there.

  2. Hi Bangchik, I guess a heavy heart is only natural since you have been very passionate about gardening in your home in Putrajaya. A virgin jungle sounds like a great adventure to me. Fresh air, all sorts of creatures of nature...I think it is an exciting change that I would personally look forward to. :)Ada internet, tak?

  3. Ooof! I'm actually kinda sad to hear this, which is silly. I hope the move goes well!

  4. Oh congrats, and I hope that your move goes smoothly. Looking forward to seeing your new location.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  5. Good luck in new place.
    Will look forward your next adventures post.

  6. Congrats!.. But i actually feel sad to hear your leaving from your Putrajaya garden. Anyway i wish everything goes smoothly to you and looking forward to your new place, new garden :)

  7. Good luck for your new life in a new place!
    Will you open a new garden there from scratch? It will be a hard job,,,.But I believe you can overcome the tough jobs with your dream for the future!

  8. Happy packing! Hope Kelantan will bring you and your family more laughter and quality life. Will look forward to seeing your new garden. Take care Bangchik and Kakdah!!

  9. Salam Bangchik, A new adventure with a new garden soon. I think you have more fun trying new things to grow in Kelantan as the weather will be a bit cooler compare to Putrajaya. Perhaps the sweet peas will bloom for you here. You have more rain during musim tengkujuh (did I spell it correctly).

  10. Good luck for your move! :D

  11. All the best in your new endeavour, Bang Chik. I am looking forward to your Legend of the 3 Sisters garden...never mind, now you can re-locate the garden to Kelantan. We hope to hear news about your new garden soon. Wishing you and Kak Dah well as you prepare for the move and settling in a new town.

  12. Bangchik, to me Kelantan means "silver"... I hope this is an omen for your future success!

  13. how exciting, good luck with the move and a new garden to start with...hope you can bring alot of your favorites with you :)

  14. Best Wishes Bangchik & Kakdah, it is sometimes hard to leave a good place behind, but neccesary. Life takes new turns and brings us new experiences. I am looking forward to your posts from your new location, as well as the last few from your little vegetable garden.

  15. Look forward to reading your blog in your new place. It is still a wonder to me that I can read blogs from gardens all over the world! Amazing!

  16. Best wishes for your new ventures- I am sure that although you are leaving your old garden behind, the lessons you have learnt from it will make your new garden wonderful! Look forward to reading about it!

  17. Good luck on this new stage of your life. I hope everything goes great and you continue to have a great life and garden. I look forward to hear about your adventures in Kelantan

  18. The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change. It reminds me about life, work, gardening, children etc. We are all changing. We see plants growing the whole cycle. We are going through the same cycle.. changing., moving on.

    Gardening over in Kelantan will be from scratch. It should be fun. Lets see how end of the year monsoon affects gardening (yes musim tengkujuh). Mark Willis is saying "silver", but I am looking for "gold!"

    Cheers and thanks everyone.
