Wednesday, October 6, 2010

pumpkins germinating

Just to be on the safe side, I sow four pumpkin seeds. 
One seed rooted first, the rest are still working on it. I have to wait for the others to really come out before putting them into the Three Sisters garden to join sweet corns.

pumpkin germinating, root first

pumpkin germinating, 
stem becoming green and leaves about to break open.

I do hope the eventual fruits 
will look like those in the seed cover.



  1. I hope to grow some soon too Bangchik, though Ive grown them before but at a small farm I shared with a good friend. They are no-fuss plants and can really go wild. I love their shoots to make masak lemak puteh!

  2. Congratulations for your pumpkins germination!

    My white radishes, which planted in a few days ago, germinated today.

    Sprouts coming out from soil give us great delight and hope toward growth and harvest in the future!

  3. I have only had minimal luck with pumpkins. I have gotten a few small ones but not anything more than that. perhaps next year. good luck with yours.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's really fun to see the seeds germinating!
    Hope you will have enough pumpkins for kakdah to test her recipes!
    Do you have any tips on how to know if a cucumber is ripe?

  6. I hope you get more pumpkins than you ever dreamed of. Wehave over 30 and are giving them away to the children in the neighborhood. jim

  7. Wow pumpkins! I always check from your blog on how a veggie plant grows before i plant it at my side. Will like to see how the pumpkins do in your garden! And congratulations on your pumpkin germination!

  8. Hope your pumpkin grows lots of fruits. I'm growing two now,one in a pot, and the other on the ground. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will produce some pumpkins, at least one!

  9. Salam Bang Chik n Kak Dah,

    Very nice blog...
    I hope one day, i can plant vegetables too in my garden.
    Now only fully occupied with Orchids and Cycads, no more space for me to plants vegetable.

    Good luck with your 'Labu Lemak'

  10. Gud luck Bangchik & Kakdah, hope will have the time to grow labu as well but we are running out of space

  11. wow.. the name make me so tempted to find the seed as well.. ^_^..

    finger cross.. hope it will turn out the same..

  12. Happy looking seedlings, and I like the picture of the mature fruit, what a beautiful variety!

  13. Good luck with your Three Sisters garden. I've been thinking about this combination myself.

  14. Love your sprouts! I've been successful with pumpkin plants and blooms, but not with the actual pumpkin (here in Florida). I'm certain I've planted them in the wrong spot, but am not finding the will to try again this year. Maybe next. Yours look nice and healthy!

  15. My pumpkins got the vine borers this year - I was so sad. So fun to grow, can't wait to see what yours become.

  16. They look great! I've never had good luck transplanting pumpking seeds; mine start better right in the ground. Looking forward to seeing their progress.

  17. oooh, that will be a beautiful pumpkin. Looks promising so far!

  18. Hahaha, Bangchik we will wait for your flower photos and your harvest.

  19. Awesome!! Hope it gets here when you want it to!

  20. Im pretty sure they with start to bloom with their lovely yellow flowers.

  21. Bangchik, My tiny pumpkin seed grew so huge that eventually took over a very, very big patch. No one believe that there was only one plant. But everyone could see there was only one pumpkin. I hope you have better success than me. I think they should do better during rainy season.

  22. Thanks bloggers and gardeners for your visits and comments.

    It's really a very late reply from me due to very tight work schedule and pressing issues. The blog will miss fresh daily post. I miss it too. That reflects the reality of life, where blogging and gardening and many other things are little components of a day routine. Given a day remains at 24 hours, stretching one activity will affect the others. So blogging will stay quiet for a while.

    I am glad some of you had gone through with some measure of success with pumpkins before. To get to the first pair of leaves is already a success. The last time I grew pumpkins, too sad, NO ballooning fruit! But with so many yellow flowers, that was enough to warm my heart.

    I hope for something better this time. But we really have to wait.

