Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Getting on with the new garden

The day I got into the house, the grass or rather the shrubs was just cut. 
The space turned red, exposing the natural colour of the earth around here, 
explaining the meaning of Tanah Merah (the red soil).

The developer sent soil and sand which I have requested earlier, 
for patching work on the bare land 
and for my new gardening plot..

Finally our belongings came, including the plants and the pots. 
I tried my best to arrange them, but Kakdah may has other ideas.
So pots may just change place to suit the sun, 
the feel of the house 
and the dream of two minds.

The new vegetable plot by the side of the house. 
This dreamland .has to accomodate my presence everyday, an hour before sunset and more hours at weekends. Three rows of raised bed flanked by old bricks.

PT 4870, Taman Kota Harmoni,
Jalan Cempaka Merah,
17500 Tanah Merah, Kelantan


  1. Wah Bangchik, without wasting any time you have the new vegetable plot ready for your master piece with your green fingers! The house slowly looking like a Home Sweet Home with the presence of your pots of plants and flowers.Happy Gardening to you and Kak Dah...

  2. Here wishing you SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA to you and family. Maaf zahir dan batin. Hope you and family have many many happy memories and occasions in your new house!

  3. you appear to be feeling very comfortable with your new home and your new gardening area...and the outside is already showing signs of being the paradise you and Kak Dah are so able to create! It's wonderful that by growing plants in pots you can simply take your gardening along with you wherever you go...I look forward to following your garden creation and seeing your beautiful pictures...

  4. Welcome to your new home! It will be fun to watch the evolution!!

    Must say, both times I've looked at the photos, I immediately think your fence would make a wonderful trellis for edibles or ornamentals!

    Happy gardening!

  5. Hi Bandchik. Good to see you are settling in and getting right to work on the garden and yard. Won't be long until you will have seeds growing again.

  6. Bangchik and Kakdah, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha at your new home! New home, new hopes, new dreams. You have done the right thing, listening to each other's opinion and putting the plants according to their light requirements. I'm sure the potted plants need a rest before they can aclamatise to their new surroundings. Like the earthworms, ants and little bugs who live together with your plants, I wonder if any other creatures follow you all the way from Putrajaya to Kelantan. Any kucing?

  7. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil-adha. I wonder what plants will you plant along the fence. Can't wait to see how your new garden be.

  8. Selamat Hari Aidil Adha! Already you have a great start to your gardening - looking forward to see plants in your raised beds.

  9. Selamat hari Raya Aidil Adha to Bangchik & Kakdah, moving to Tanah Merah Kelantan.. is Kakdah Kelantanese?

  10. Selamat berkebun kat rumah baru bangchik & kak Dah...ehem, cantik rumah baru... :)
    Best tuh bangchik duk kelate...hari2 boleh makan nasi belauk dan pulut pagi... :))

  11. This is really interesting. Starting anew with existing plants. Same plants, different look. May you have an even healthier plot than before. Wishing you Selamat Haru Raya Aidil Adha to you and your family!

  12. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to you and family. It is great to see that you have already started work on your garden, a true gardener indeed! Wish you Happy Gardening and a wonderful garden. Couldn't wait to see how your new garden looks like. Enjoy!

  13. Wow, Bangchik, so fast your new home is surrounded by so many greens already. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to you and your family. You have a whole day in the garden tomorrow, happy gardening :)

  14. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!

    I can't wait to see your new vegetable garden!

  15. I am looking forward to see new garden beds full with vegetables.

    Is the red soil you have a good soil for growing veggies?

  16. Great opportunities for a beautiful garden, dear Bangchik! It's always a miracle how the bare soil turns to a vegetable garden. I'm interested in yours!

    I've invited you to a game in my post titled "Ten". If you feel like play with us!


  17. Your restarting a new garden reminds me of the process of starting my garden including cultivating, creating planting beds,,, those were hard but gave me full of dreams! I believe you are also creating your new garden with dreams toward great harvest in the future.

  18. p3chandan: different place, but still the Home Sweet Home. Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family too.

    Theanne and Baron: Garden is the little paradise that will evolve with our own doing and care. Its adult's playground! haha.

    _vTg_: I see what you mean with the fence, and in fact a few climbing plants had been planted there.

    Hocking Hills Gardener: seeds are growing, and they will take turns to be on the ground.

    Autumn Belle: slugs, snails and earthworms do follow here. But they cant stand against the red ants (semut gatal) which is very territorial around the compound.

    Malay-Kadazan girl: I have not decided what to grow along the fence as hedges. A few climbing plants had been planted at some points to crawl along the fence as a form of biological screen.. haha.


  19. keats: selamat hari raya to you too. Sweet corns are the first to move to the new raised bed.

    wancuyan: kakdah is kelantanese third generation but she cant speak with kelantanese accent.

    fzi: hari2 makan nasi kerabu/dagang..

    One: I really am looking forward to the new look.


  20. kitchen flavours: you are right about me being passionate about gardening. I dont wait even a day to get with it... from scratch it will not be easy.

    milka: having potted plants around is helpful, i do have instant green!

    Malar: vegetable will soon appear, one after another.

    vrtlarica: the red soil is okey, a little bit clayey though.

    Művelt Kert: It is not going to be easy to turn it into vegetable garden. sweat and sweat... haha. I will check out whats TEN all about.

    takaeko: Yes, garden is about turning dream into something real. hard work...

    Cheers everyone.
    tanah merah, kelantan Malaysia.
