Thursday, December 30, 2010

Being impatient with miracle berry / pokok ajaib

It was on the journey home from Cherating that nurseries along the way became a must-stopover.  Surprisingly there were not many  as compared to the west coast. We bumped into miracle berry seedlings (anak pokok ajaib) at Jertih Nursery. We  bought two at a price of  RM10 per plant.  At 3 feet high, they were not too expensive and looked alright. On the very same trip, at a nursery much closer to home, around Machang area, the young keeper by the name Yie showed us smaller plants at a knockdown price of 5 for RM10. We didn't think twice and immediately purchased 5. Now, we have 7 growing miracle berry plants, while the seeds sowed a week earlier are waiting for the right time to germinate. Huh, why do we need so many? Kakdah has a plan. She is thinking of giving a few away to relatives that come and visit us. First come first serve she says...

the bigger miracle berry  plants
(anak pokok ajaib yang besar)

 miracle berry plants are in large containers
purchased from Anwar's Nursery in Pangkal Meleret, 15 minutes away.

 The five smaller miracle berry plants still in poly bags.

 Miracle berry plants from another view.

 The two miracle berry plants in large containers will be with us. The other five will be giveaways to brothers and sisters. I will give them another two months or so for healthier and bushy look. I do hope berries will appear soon. Pictures were just taken, using flash....

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah.
membeli anak pokok ajaib di nurseri Jertih dan Machang


  1. Wow thats a bargain for 5 pokok ajaib for $10. I think it will be much more expensive in the West Coast.

  2. They look very nice and healthy! I am sure they will grow happily on yours and your family gardens

    Happy new year!

  3. OOoo... gigi sakit~!! I bought mine (1 feet tall) at RM40!!!! Alamak kena con... Can i visit you to get one free from you? Hehe. Haha.

  4. Hi Bangchik, I thought that you could be in Cherating when I was there. So you really were there.

    That is definitely a good buy. Hope to see the berries in your future posts.

  5. What a bargain! The acerola cherry that I propagate did not show any signs of sprouting. Will have to wait for another month, according to the web, it takes 60 days for the roots to grow but I'll probably try to get a seedling from the nursery and perhaps the miracle berry too! Hope your plant grow lush with lots of fruits. Wishing you, Kak Dah and family A Happy New Year!

  6. Miracle berry?

    I wonder what miracles it can produce.

    Wait and see.

  7. Miracle berry?

    I wonder what miracles it can produce.

    Wait and see.

  8. That was very good luck finding the miracle berry plant for such reasonable prices. What a lovely lady your wife is for wanting to share extra plants with family! I'm looking forward to seeing the first sweet berries appear...

  9. Miracle Berry, locally known as Pokok Seribu Manis back in the 70s (in my area, Kemaman, Trg). About 15 to 30 minutes after placing the tiny fruit on your tongue, the fruit will stunt your sour and bitter taste buds, thus enhancing the sweet taste buds. This makes lime and bittergourd taste as sweet as candy.

  10. Malay-Kadazan girl
    West coast charges higher for most things.

    The cool rainy weather will help these plants.

    It wasn't a con case I think. West Coast will always put a higher price tag for most items. Do come and get one milka.. haha

    Yea, We were there alright. I was abit busy then....

    kitchen flavours
    Germinating difficult seeds require different treatment. I suggest put seeds in polybag and place them under a tree, and try to forget about them. They will sprout sooner or later.

    Miracle berry is like what Iskandar trying to explain. A long lasting sweetness lingering in the mouth...

    Kakdah is generous on most things, but she can very possessive on her favourite orchids!

    Iskandar Abdul Rashid
    Oh, it has been around for 40 years in your place! The keeper at Risda Nursery Bangi mentioned about finishing off a gunny sack of kedondong soon after taking a bite on buah ajaib...

    Cheers, Happy New Year.
    ~bangchik and kakdah
    buah ajaib di Tanah Merah

  11. This miracle berry is quite new to me... my wife sitting beside me is saying that she tasted it before... happy new year...

  12. Lrong
    Thanks for the visit. Miracle berry has thin pulp but with devastating lasting sweetness.

  13. AaronVFT
    I probably keep two, the rest will be giveaways to sisters and brothers... Aaron, keep looking, you will find one.

  14. What a beautiful plant! They will make great gifts, the recipients will be very forunate. The blue pots are so very pretty. Happy New Year to both of you. :)

  15. Rebecca @ In The Garden
    Our pots are mostly clay red... and for miracle berry Kakdah chose blue.. Rather unique. Cheers, happy new year.

  16. Very interesting plant.. Thanks for sharing the info!

  17. Rebecca Nickols
    Thanks for the comment. I am waiting for the day, miracle berries appear on these plants.

  18. WHOA, my mom just bought these today at RM80 per plant ! :O

  19. ~Suhaila
    A bigger and healthier plant probably?...
