Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Six petola / luffa taking turns flowering

Petola was among the first to be germinated with bitter gourd, roselle, sweet corns and ground nuts at the beginning of November 2010.  By the look of it, petola will emerge as winner, being the first to flower with  sure promise of fruits soon. I read an article A Legacy of Luffa by  Elizabeth Harwick about luffa showing the first signs of  flowers or fruit setting 6 weeks after the seeds sprouted. Luffa is following the same pattern here, and that is a promising adventure. 

 large yellow flower of petola / luffa
at the lower stem.
close-up of petola / luffa flower

Petola / luffa  flower 
at different stage of development.

 Petola/ luffa fruit forming 
with tip blossom about to fall off.

 Petola / luffa tip blossom is not open yet.

 another fruit forming, 
waiting for blossom to open at the tip

 baby petola / luffa
Quite visible is an ant searching for food.

bug eating leaf. 
This is exactly the same specie that had been eating 
cucumber leaves in Putrajaya Garden

Weather forecast is pointing towards rains and storm the whole week. Today it rained, minus the storm. I wonder if petola / luffa can handle stormy rains......

Bangchik and kakdah,
menanam petola di Tanah Merah


  1. I like your photo of the baby luffa...so, so tiny and there is the wonderful possibility of it growing so very big. Your plants all seem to growing very well, quite strong and healthy.

  2. Beautiful flowers! Hope to see your harvest soon! I never seen angle luffa hanging on vine before. My first attempt to grow them was ruin by caterpillars...!

  3. I almost forgot.....my e-mail add is malart79@yahoo.com
    Please e-mail me your address so that i can post the seeds to you!

  4. Hello Bang Chik and Kak Dah,
    Glad I came across your blog. Wah, sudah lama blogging. I'm still new at this, but enjoying it immensely. My vege-growing skills are not too good. Hope to learn from your blog.
    Rosie (dari Melaka)

  5. Your plants are already fruiting!! Hey, any secret recipe? ^_^
    Also, do you put pestacide to keep bugs off your veggies?

  6. Your petola look so healty and beautiful. Wow they are really fast growing. How I wish I have more space to grow them.

  7. Theanne
    Yes, so tiny and soon becoming many times bigger, and all we do is just giving them water, fertiliser and space to grow. The rest is controlled by their genetic code and program...

    Six plants would probably be too many for both us. Seeing the little fruit getting bigger by day is fun. I will give the address soon for the seeds, and thanks in advance.

    My Garden Haven
    Thanks Rosie for the visit. Your blog will soon be a real crowd puller and it already is. About gardening, we are all learning from one another...

    Petola is in turbo mood, leading the pack of plants. Mana ada secret recipe.. haha. So far no pesticide, I only use fertiliser and bioimmunizer. One or two bugs should be ok.. tolerable, kasi can sama dia.

    Malay-Kadazan girl
    To describe plants temperament, I would say petola is rough and impatient where as bittergourd is delicate, and pumpkin is demure.... make sure you grow petola next...

    ~bangchik and kakdah
    menanam petola di Tanah Merah.

  8. Hi! Before my fruit tip can flower or bossom it turns yellow. May I know why? Thanks.
