Saturday, April 16, 2011

Germinating, Lettuce, pak choy, marigold, giant sunflower

I am off for another round of vegetable growing. Some seeds were bought in February this year, and left idle for two months. Giveaway seeds from gardeners/bloggers still not tried out yet. So last Saturday, I decided to try them out.

Germination, in trays. Newspaper on top. 

10 april 2011
Some seeds emerged first, the rest still taking their own sweet time. After rounds of germination, we appreciate that some seeds are very impatient, to see the light of day, some prefer to continue sleeping and will wake up a lot later.
Pak Choy

pak choy seedlings
14th of April 2011
pak choy seedlings
 14th of April 2011

pak choy seedlings
14th of April 2011
pak choy seedling - close-up
14th of April 2011
lettuce seedlings
 14th of April 2011

lettuce seedlings
14th of April 2011

lettuce seedlings - close-up
14th of April 2011
Spinach seedlings
 14th of April 2011

 I would go along with Kakdah suggestion to put them in pots. We bought 50 medium size white pots a few months back. These veggies will look nice in them. They will be placed at front car porch, to ease watering, fertilising and of course harvesting! It wont take long for these vegetables to mature...

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah, Kelantan


  1. All the leafy plants have started to wonderful!

  2. Good for you! Hope you have a great harvest.

  3. I usually get very panic if i see so many babies coming out at once, don't know where to place them later. Wah 50 medium sized pots! I bought 2 big pots few days ago and only have decided where to put them yesterday after thinking for 2 nights! Haha.

  4. Each babies is a gift for the garden;-).

  5. Theanne and Baron
    They are quick, but I may not be quick enough to handle their demands.

    It is going to be veggies breakfast, lunch and dinner a month from now..

    Two pots, 2 nights.., dreamy nights for you. We received lovely wooden sign, wonderful! It's already hanged at the door.... I dare not ask how much, just in case it's beyond me... aha.

    Malay-Kadazan girl
    These babies change everyday..., new shoots, leaves taking off baby look...


  6. Looks very cute, the seedlings...

  7. Lrong.
    That's the way nature has in store for us, babies are cute and cuddly. Even tiger cubs are adourable.., until they decide to take off baby outfits.

  8. Looks like you are gonna have extras for your table!

  9. Comeca Jones
    Definitely more than enough!, thanks

  10. Bangchik, You'll be transferring these seedlings to the white pots? Just wondering, why not grow the seeds in the white pot instead?

    I'm worse than Milka. Bought 6 huge pots last week and only managed to find spots for 4 of them so far.

  11. One
    There is logic in what you said. But its easier to germinate them in little pots..., and transplant in bigger white pots when they are bigger and stronger... It's becoming a habit now, so like they say, "old habits die hard".

    Good luck to your 4 big pots and those two as well..

  12. Very soon you will have a bountiful harvest! Thought of setting up an organic veggie stall? That would be great, if you have too much harvest at hand!

  13. kitchen flavours
    I might do just that.... not pasar tani or pasar malam, home based most probably.

  14. Nice germinnation of seedlings! Did u do anything special for marigolds? I have germinated different kinds of flowers but my marigolds are still not sprouting

  15. Andrea
    Out of twenty or so marigold seeds, 5 germinated in little pots. I just put on top of damp soil.

  16. Hi i just started on my Pak Choy seedlings too. After 4 days they look like your babies too. How much water do they need and how much light too? May i know why you cover them with newspaper ?

    1. I just cover them the first week, sunlight too strong that side. The moment they stand upright, I take off the cover.

      Soil should not be dry, that's the rule. I dont plants mind sunlight much, in fact they love for photosynthesis!
