Friday, April 1, 2011

on the ground

We dont have any plant that grows higher than the eye level, not counting kakdah's hanging orchids, and what by the end of the year, the four papaya plants would eventually be. To see flowers is to  look physically down, but flowers remain high in the aesthetic and emotional level. Kakdah will smile, temporarily getting out of whatever is negative and stressful in life, as she walk and lovingly hold the few flowers in the garden.

 flowering plants in clusters, balsam (keembung) and zinnia

Balsam, Malar's giveaways, zinnia from the old Putrajaya garden are flowering. The site is actually reserved for pandan which will soon conquer the area. For now flowerings are grown to fill the empty space.

 basil flowering

 basil getting quite bushy

Basil which is about to be a permanent feature here, is flowering too. The two basil at the back of the house are becoming more bushy after I did a complete pruning of all flower stalks. A few new flowers are coming up and are quite visible.

 a young ubi badak by the fence

 ubi badak, the shoots,
so tender looking.

 ubi itik, another tuber, is a climber too.
I don't know if it will ever produce flower.

 kiwi from seeds, first attempt.
at four leaves, they are growing steady. 
For now, i will let the eventual kiwi fruits grow in my dream.

Hop over to Katarina  to see more.

bangchik and kakdah,


  1. Lovely! Glad that Kakdah has the flowers to make her smile. Walking among the plants creates peace. Enjoy, happy gardening!

  2. The Balsam and Zinnia are looking quite beautiful for Kakdah to bring her peace. Everything is growing so nicely in your little vegetable garden! So green so healthy!

  3. Love the way things are growing. I enjoy stopping by to see how things have progressed!

  4. Pandan looks good together with balsam and zinnia.

  5. When Kakdah is smiling, who is more beautiful?

    The flower or Kakdah?

  6. Really glad that we dropped by to your house that day Tn Hj... never see anyone in mylife that seriuosly gardening around the house. I always wish that i have the time to grow my own vegetables.. Can't wait to see the grapes coming out from your little vegetable garden..

  7. Jeanne
    Yea, she will smile over flowers, and i guess, flowers are created for bees, butterflies and WOMEN!

    Theanne and Baron
    Balsam and zinnia are temporary and will soon dry out. I think she is planning where to put other flowers, so that blooming is continuous.

    Comeca Jones
    Thanks..., garden is coming out fine. Weather somehow is unpredictable now, very wet when it is supposed to be dry!

    Malay-Kadazan girl
    Pandan even on its own can be very ornamental.

    That's a tough one. I have to check what yardstick should I use to measure "beauty"... aha.

    harlina nordin
    Thanks for dropping by the other day. Taking gardening seriously is a prelude to taking other things seriously too. Gardening is all about formulating a green dream and seeing it through. Like most things in life.....

    ~bangchik and kakdah

  8. Hi Bangchik, Your first sentence is very funny. Rainfield is very funny too. Flowers are created for bees, butterflies and women? You mean to say that man do not appreciate flowers?

  9. ~One
    I dont know, it is just a hunch. Women need flowers more than men. A bouquet of flowers fits a lady, yet little bit out of place for a man. I do appreciate flowers, but in a manly way ... aha!

    ..bangchik and kakdah

  10. teringin nak tengok keseluruhan keliling laman bang chik... bole tunjuk ? ^_^

  11. .....ejaMaria
    Apa seronoknya tenguk rumah orang yang menggila dengan sayur?.. Nanti waktu yang sesuai saya buat post bertajuk "our garden, the concept".
    ~bangchik and kakdah

  12. You have beautiful blooms in your garden! It will really add happiness and peace to everyone!
    Hope to see your Kiwi fruits!

  13. Malar
    Thanks..blooms will heal tired limbs and hearts..
