Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cabbage has babies!

With  6-month rule of thumb for cabbage harvest, the four cabbages should be ready for dinner by August. They are not as healthy as the last attempt in Putrajaya. At least it answers the question "Can cabbage be grown in Tanah Merah?" Now they have babies around them, 35 altogether. I may try them on land this time round..... that would be quite a sight. There is a need for netting as well, anything  from cool climate cant grow in the open. 


  1. Can cabbage have babies? How? I have yet to see any babies. There are no seeds either.

  2. Wow! How lucky can you get? :) My seeds did not even sprout! ????

  3. 35 babies, very lucky! I hope they do well in the ground. :)

  4. cabbage babies are better than brussel sprouts, they are not bitter?

  5. Hello Bangchik!

    I've finally blogged my garden report! :)

    Best regards to you, Kak Dah and your plants!

  6. One
    ~ I call them babies.... I am lucky to come up with 35 young cabbage plants. They are not babies that sprout from no where... aha.

    kitchen flavours
    ~ you will get better next time..., I may post something on "germinating better" soon.

    Rebecca @ In The Garden
    ~ I hope so..., with the weather getting hotter, and the monsoon towards the end of the year, it will be quite a challenge.

    ~ they are not babies like brussel sprouts, just young cabbage plants.

    ~ Hey, you manage to come out of your busy advertising schedule. Yea, your garden comes out well.... I wonder what neighbours would say.

    Thanks everyone.
