Thursday, August 25, 2011

as white as snow.

Kangkung is water spinach, easy to grow and sometimes known as poor man's vegetable.  It is the purest form of white that attract my attention as I clicked at the flowers.  I thought early morning sun managed to give a little bit of shade... and surprisingly made it even whiter....

white and shadow.

well hidden, so no obvious shadow

Three of them, and white is after all so pure

Kangkongs join chives, white orchids, selom and rain lilies, 
giving out pure white flowers. With a little bit of shadow, 
white is purest.

There goes, as white as cotton, or as white as snow,  
as white as a sheet, as white as a ghost
and right now as white as kangkong's flower.

bangchik and kakdah


  1. I haven't been by in a while. But I am glad to see the garden is still doing great. The white from the flowers are beautiful! Cant wait to see what will be in your winter harvest.

  2. Dear Bangchik, I love white blooms and these are lovely. P.

  3. At first I thought kangkung will never grow flowers but later after I planted it more than 2 weeks, it started to show flowers just like that pictures. Thanks for sharing as it is a lovely picture.

  4. Kangkung do have pretty flowers!

  5. Never notice how pretty the flowers of the kangkung are!

  6. Comeca Jones
    ~ well come back...... Monsoon time at the end of the year, will be coolest, tropical winter I suppose. I am waiting for ubi badak to swell.

    Pam's English Garden
    ~ yeap, white is cool.

    I wong (依之汉)
    ~ Flowers will appear sooner or later. Kangkung is best used before it start to produce flowers.

    ~ yes, sweet and cool

    Kitchen flowers
    ~ Serious kangkung growers will harvest before flowering. I am not.

  7. Selamat Hari raya bangchik & Kak Dah

  8. Malar
    ~ Yes, Raya is coming..., and both of us have to make a long journey back home.
