Wednesday, September 7, 2011

rooftop gardening, a showcase at IGEM 2011 KLCC.

rooftop gardening for future generations

nearby kintergarden children posing 
in our rooftop garden

So, the rooftop gardening entrepreneurial team will be displaying their dare to dream package at the IGEM 2011, KLCC 7 - 10 September 2011.  They are exhibiting their own brand of success story, an adventure into rooftop gardening.
The team had published a book titled "rooftop gardening ~ an experience" to be made available at the booth, at quite a reasonable price for hard cover.  The early birds will get door gifts and a green bag to put everything in. If the stock is enough, visitors will take home a packet of red hot chili, from our rooftop garden.

Quite a number had shown interest  to replicate similar commercial rooftop gardening at the factories and buildings. One factory owner is ready to go ahead with the exciting gardening adventure, as early as 1st of October this year, which is just around the corner. Our team will provide the necessary technical support to help him. I guess their hands will soon be tied up....... it is going to be exciting, to see idle rooftops painted green everywhere.......

There are more than 600 exhibitors from all over the world taking part. Most are showing real physical products on greentech, but our team is showing something different, a concept : to green cities, to cool down buildings, to add more oxygen to the atmosphere, as a viable economic adventure....., bringing everyone along with the noble concept "dare to dream".  The team is offering real spirit, skills and technology behind rooftop gardening...

Efforts to green the earth is for children of today and tomorrow , 
the future generations........

Update: 8th of September 2011

a prospective client being briefed about rooftop gardening.
IGEM 2011, KLCC Kuala Lumpur
8th of September 2011

The young Mr K sharpening his marketing skills.

Our team presented the book "rooftop gardening ~ an adventure" 
to the Prime Minister at IGEM2011, KLCC, 
8th of September 2011

 Come and visit rooftop gardening 
at booth D052, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)
7-10 September 2011.

the team has 
to offer.

 bangchik and kakdah will be there on the 10th September 2011.


  1. Happy kids learning to grow healthy food what a great event!

  2. Yea... things we do now affect their future. Slow but sure.

  3. Cilis don"t make them cry - they make the children laugh!!Just look at the bumper crop!

  4. keats
    ~ children are innocent lots, before they start to know about cloak and dagger... about complexity of life. yea?

  5. Wonderful. I hope to be there!

  6. Wonderful progress! Hope to visit your booth in KLCC!

  7. Nicola
    ~ It's exciting.... the team reported that more than a thousand had visited their booth D052, KLCC yesterday alone..... That will sharpen their marketing skills...

    ~ yeap, Both of us will be there the whole day 10th of September. See ya!

  8. Who actually own the rooftops Bangchik? And who's got a rooftop. I am thinking.

  9. oceangirl
    ~ rooftops owned by building owners.

  10. Bangchik, Congratulations on your progress!

    Just to let you know, the roselle seeds you gave me have turned into roselle plants and they are flowering now. I am waiting for my first roselle fruit. My link is here:

    Thank you very much for the seeds. Good luck in the exhibition!

  11. Too much fun !!
    Kids get to take home red hot chili, they have to love it.

  12. Belle
    _ roselle will soon give you juice and jam. The plants only require water, nutrients and sunlight to do that...

    _ everybody seems to chili here..

  13. Assalamualaikum Bangchik and Kakdah, it would be really nice to enjoy a beneficial garden, the kind that we can harvest from, in the sky. Viable rooftops should be in our building designs, like in most new townhouses in the Damansara area.

  14. I agree with you.... Roof is consistent in it's role, keeping away rains and direct sunlight. But plants love water and sunlight, so flat rooftops can house plants. Very economical!

  15. Salam Bangchik and Kakdah, i just found this blog and I am interested to read the book "rooftop gardening ~ an adventure". It is really wonderful if yo could tell me where can i get it. Thank you =)

  16. Rooftop gardening, It is an great idea and also good for environment.
