Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Place, New Garden.

The longest journey in decades, starting off around 10am, arriving the next day at 3.00am. It was leisure driving, 750 km altogeher, numerous stops along the way. It's tiring, but it's alright. Over the many years, we probably have done millions kilometers of driving.. So, 750km from Tanah Merah to Johor is little...

The very next day, clitoria ternatea, sunflower and ulam raja were germinated in small brown pots. Being fresh seeds, ulam raja sprout within two days.. The other two stay quiet. Then kangkung and lady's fingers were soaked and wrapped in tissue. They are OK now...

Most potted plants are here in Johor, getting used to new environment. It's cooler around the house than Tanah Merah. Two large raintrees almost covered the whole sky.....

Plants in new environment in Johor.

YELLOW ORCHIDS, facing the road

POTTED PLANTS  in a new setting


HANGING POTS: at the back of the house
Kakdah's plants hanging in a different house.
and quite visible on the ground is future vegetable bed, clearly marked.

Three rows of vegetable bed half way through.

The space at the back of the house is massive......
I will need sometime to create  new litle vegetable garden in Johor. Not too ambitious, just enough to keep the spirit going. It is going to be exciting.....

bangchik and kakdah


  1. OMG, Bangchik you and Kakdah are an amazing pair. Imagine with that very long travel you still immediately work again the next day! You should have rested first before the next plunge, but instead you immediately started gardening. You are an epitome of the passionate vegetable gardener. Your backyard is really wide and i can't imagine what you will be doing there. BTW, why the transfer? Did you yourself drive that long route? Regards to Kakdah, she should rest first and well.

  2. Boleh buka ladang besar dekat belakang rumah. Your plants are very kuat, very good traveller.

  3. Andrea..
    Sleep in itself is a rest... The next day should be a fresh day to do things. Two movers brought everything furnitures, plants etc to Johor.
    Why transfer?.... I guess the boss wants me here.... On my part I love to test if my fingers can turn things around here greener...

    Kakdah is busy resizing her curtains. Somehow every house has it's own perculiar size for windows.

  4. Perempuan Melayu Kadazan....
    It's big, an acre I think. I will settle for a little vegetable garden, the rest will remain as it is. I saw merbuk, tekukur, gembala kerbau and pigeons coming around the field picking grass seeds.

    The plants took two days to get here, so they yellowed a little bit. They are recuperating well, especially Kakdah's precious orchids.

  5. What a wonderful amount of land you have to use, so happy you and your wife arrived safe and sound, as well as the beautiful orchids and other plants!

    Since you've moved again, I decided to look up Malaysia and Johor so I will know where you are living...I see you are very close to Singapore. My Don had occasion to be in Singapore with his work years ago and he convinced a taxi driver to take him across the causeway to Malaysia so he could buy me a Malaysian dress (the dress was very beautiful and I wore it on our honeymoon). I see that this time of year is monsoon time in Johor...hopefully you will have just enough rain with no dangerous floods. It looks as if there was a garden there before...the three beds all ready for you do your magic. No hurry though you and Kakdah enjoy what you brought with you and soon enough you will planting vegetables and flowers for us to feast our eyes on...

  6. Oh my I read that you prepared the new garden's nice to have a big area that you do nothing in...except enjoy the spaciousness!

  7. It looks like a very nice place and surrounding Bangchik and it does feel very exciting. We look forward to be in the joy of creating your new vegetable garden.

  8. Theanne and Baron....
    The big space at the back, gives freedom for thoughts and creative energy to flirt about. For the moment we will settle for 6 rows of vegetable bed. We are waiting for bricks for edging, more sand and top soil to improve the existing soil.
    - Rain is getting heavier now, soil gets soggy but no chance for flood, because our place is at the top of a little hill.

    Creating a new garden gives as much fun as sitting around a matured garden. It's about freedom of doing things, exercising one's craziest gardening ideas.... And finally the joy of sharing harvest with neighbours and friends.

  9. Wow - it's going to be fun to see what you create in that new space. What freedom!

  10. JGH....
    Yes, there is freedom. But it has certain impact to those nearby..., number one, it has to be pleasant. I saw birds coming down to pick grass seeds, so their freedom has to be considered too..

  11. That's very long ride Bangchik! Happy to hear that you and Kak Dah have safely arrived and started new garden!
    Kak Dah really have a lot of plant collections!
    Looking forward to see your new garden!

  12. Malar.....
    Long drive indeed. We did similar trip in the 90's, it was much quicker. So as we get older, time really slows down... as if we wish to live a lot longer.. Yes, there will be updates on garden progress..

  13. Nice to see that all the orchids bloomed to greet and bless in your new garden.
    I think you might have to change your blogname as it no longer little anymore..

  14. James Missier.....
    The space is big, but vegetable garden will remain small.., It's only for the two of us.

  15. Amazing piece of land, Bangchik!
    Congratulations on your move!

  16. Wandernut.....
    Moving is always tiring..., physically. But there is no permanence in life, yea?
