Tuesday, March 13, 2012

a yellow rose.

The yellow rose is flowering,  fresh looking and really make Kakdah very happy. I can almost tell whenever something was  blooming outside, when she opened the door early in the morning and shouted "look, my flower is blooming!". The emotional outburst is identical every time. I also accept her claim of "my flower is blooming". Flowering plants are legally hers, as vegetables mine.

a yellow rose.

yellow rose

yellow rose

It was early last year, that I went up to Cameron Highlands with friends. Kakdah did not follow. We went up to negotiate with Selvaraja for rooftop gardening watering system. It is always cheap up there. I bought two potted roses for kakdah, yellow and red. The red rose did not last long, died within a month. The yellow rose survive til today, still in the same pot. So this yellow is quite a survivor, alright in it's original place Cameron Highland, alright in Tanah Merah our former place, and still alright here in Johor, coping well after 12 hours journey from Tanah Merah to Johor end of last year.

The yellow rose is sweet, very fresh indeed. 
On beauty, 
Kakdah could narrate 
better either in words 
or feeling.

Bangchik and Kakdah


  1. yellow rose is so beautiful and a survivor...congratulations to Kakdah on her encouragement of this beautiful flower!

    1. She really loves her roses.... this yellow rose is in a pot, placed on a table at the front door.

  2. Now you are here again Bangchik, you were absent for awhile! When i saw the rose, i thought Kakdah relieved you from blogging. haha! The rose gives you the balance although of course the vegies have flowers too. Maybe you prefer the ampalaya flowers better than rose.

    1. yes, I was absent from blogging quite a while. I am getting older, as everyone is, but the absence is due to tight schedule. Being away again and again. Gourd flowers are exotic!

  3. i prefer white rose. it symbolize purity :-)
    My latest article on Cameron Highland Apartment can be found here..

    1. We don't have pure white rose here, closest is small pinkish roses.. yes, I have checked your article.

    2. if only you have it, but i think small pink rose is okay though :-)

    3. yea... we do have the small pink ones..., in two pots.

  4. The yellow rose is beautiful! It's a survivor plant after all the journey! No wonder Kakdah is so happy! ;)

    1. she is fond of roses. She still talks about a special red rose our second son bought during his primary school trip to Cameron Highlands 10 years ago.

  5. That is so beautiful and detailed. I can see each fold in the petals. So well captured.

    1. roses are beautiful when they are about to reach full bloom.

  6. i like to know more about nano microfungus... it sounds interesting.
